Preliminary Analysis on the Regional Culture Strategy and its effects to Sustainable Development of

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  【Abstract】In today’s society of human civilization and highly developed science and technology,the designs full of creativity are renewing constantly just like a wave train around us.People’s requirements for product material function not only need to meet the people’s aesthetic taste,but also need to organic unity of science and technology,art,economy and the society.With the highly development of today’s science and technology,the increasingly pluralism of people’s life modality,the kinds and styles of the production relative to people’s need are increasing.As the college students of 21 new century,it is the unavoidable duty of carrying forward the Chinese regional characteristic industrial products.We need to precipitate the China’s 5 thousand years national history,making our national elements to be the bright crystallization,so we need to deeply research and analyze the design thoughts and theories in developed countries,to go deeply into the realities of life,analysis their design features,so as to “learn the advanced technologies from the West ”.
  【Key words】 Produce design; Regional culture strategy; product innovation; Sustainable Development
  1.First,General Situation of sustainable development of the product design and creative industries
  With the development of China,it`s importance gradually emerges on the world stage.During its developing,a lot of scientific and technical level are improving.Industrial product development is changing,so that the expression of the demand for ethnic Chinese design elements are more urgent,which requires reasonable use of geographic strategy.Industrial Design Engineering is a rational and emotional art form combining comprehensive art and design,which take into account people’s senses,visual and usability of a product.In Europe and America,this comprehensive subject has its special emotion,it not only requires the designers’ whimsy,but also depends on the technology,the development of the science and the progress of the society as well as the change of the business environment and consumer demand.
  Now,the factors deciding to a country’s comprehensive national strength are more and more depend on a country’s industrial structure which depends on a combination of rationalization.Some developing countries in Africa still rely on agricultural exports and other agricultural machinery,for example the high cost of extensive plant and breeding cheap exports growth,while at the same time,Europe and the United States and other developed countries import cheap agricultural products and other raw materials and manufactured goods exports the intensive high-tech content and then export.In the long run,it will form a vicious cycle of economic development.   While the current Chinese markets are full of the varieties foreign branded products such as the France,the United States,Japan and other countries brand.The product of Chinese national geographical characteristics are almost invisible,the most interesting thing you can see is that a lot of simple product in foreign markets with the label writtens“made in China”.China lacks its own brand of culture,we need to develop our cultural and creative industries.Currently,China is a large manufacturing country,but not a creative country.
  Mr.Lu Xun once said,“The nation is the world”in the“And lie the station miscellaneous text two gather”.We need to precipitate our national history and culture.Since the Tang Dynasty,Chinese culture began to attract the world’s attention,porcelain,silk,tea and other things export out of the country,China’s regional ethnic characteristics are supported and followed by other countries.
  2.Second,the application of Strategy about regional culture in product design at home and abroad in creative industry
  Entering the new century,various of influencing factors from international perspectives,coupled with sophisticated cultural fusion,makes the borders of Chinese traditional culture increasingly fuzzy,such as the obscurity of geographic boundary,the symbiosis of elegant and vulgar cultures,the faintness of the concept of illusion and reality the disappear of a clear cut age towards a specific culture,etc.,which is bound to influence the industrial design.The rapidly updating of industrial products requests Chinese design to contain a national elements,so the application of the strategy of regional culture should be implemented.Industrial design is a kind of comprehensive art design with the combination of rational engineering design and sensible artistic modeling,satisfying people’s sensual enjoyment,vision feast,and functional needs.
  Japanese products are delicate and efficient and low consumption,mysterious quiet,plain Jane and free from vulgarity,pursuing the description“and”,“Zen aesthetics” such as Muji brand effect in the world,which is a good example of the national regional strategic usage.Japan is located in the island,lacking of natural resources,surrounded by sea in all directions form Japan,which form as a national withdrawn but stubborn independent character,Japan is good at foreign study and protection of traditional,and good at learning tradition of excellence is the soul of Japanese industrial design.One of the representative works of the old industrial designer of the famous Japanese Sori Yanagi,one of his work set in Japan’s post-war economic reconstruction,Milan design exhibition gold award,in 1957 by New York’s museum of modern art permanent collection,it USES“Laminated plywood”formed by elegant curve modelling,shaped like butterfly wings open,physically on the principle of large area of the pressure,making the chair is enough to carry heavy things.“Butterfly stool”lies in its unique structure,the characteristics of opening completely the same two parts together by an axis of symmetry,the connection is fixed with screws and copper bar under the seat,and sturdy.   Northern Europe has a warm and elegant design style,this is due to its high latitude location.At the age of cold with snow cover,most of the time people stay at home,the furniture design tends to are very different climate warm style.The lamp of the PH value of the famous.For example,the designer Haining,fully considerded the people looking up easily by light stimulation to the eyes,and chimney design into chip.In wooden furniture,the world the most classic goes to Danish design.The essence of Danish design is people-oriented.Such as the design of a chair,a Danish seek its modelling design not only beautiful,but pay more attention to how the curve of it as a perfect fit when in contact with human body.Sweden style is not very emphasis on personality,and pay more attention to technology and popularization.Sweden’s stacked design more pursuit more to the cascading structure.Finnish designer pursuit the spiritual landscape of nature into indoor,making it derived from natural wisdom and inspiration of art.Into the 1960 s,the Finn will gradually precipitation design style is plain,practical,closely combined with life,gradually formed the Finnish modern characteristic of interior design.
  3.Third,Regional culture strategy has a impact on product design for creative industry of the sustainable development
  Design activity is the creation of a comprehensive,systematic activity,which needs to organically combine the progress of the society,economy with culture,into a physical form of a product.The product design that is the combination of technology and art,which should be based on science and technology,and guided by certain values the concept culture,and seen art as the means of creation,with the“cultural creative industry”for the ultimate destination,with national geographic strategy as guidelines,with sustainable development as the practice way,relying on the material supplies for changing people’s way of life, to develop the industrial product design that with its own national local characteristics .Therefore,the product design is also the synthesis of science and technology that based on the material,and the design of the people’s way of life,so it must act on human’s spiritual life and personality psychology.Thus,the product design as a cultural,aesthetic,art,psychology,the condensation body of science and technology,which reflects the existence of the material world,and adverse effect on people’s consumption psychology,like a communication bridge material existence and human’s psychological needs.   The ancient Greek philosopher Plato once said:“art is an imitation of reality,the reality is the imitation of concept.”The art is the imitation of imitation of concept,philosophy is the shadow of the shadow of the art.In other words,Plato thought that the beauty of the real world is imitation of“concept”world beauty,art imitates the real world,is the shadow of the shadow.Aristotle thought that art origin at the imitation of the real world.Recently,the German poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said:real life provides a solid foundation for art.Artists who are on the basis of the respectful imitate nature can according to the“higher purpose to deal with nature”,so the artistic beauty has a higher spiritual connotation,which is higher than the natural beauty.And a product as a representative of the culture that sustainably develops must go of the cycle of low carbon low energy go an efficient green environmental protection way,which to make the earth beautiful.Adhering to the digging,promoting and developing the national elements,is an important issue in modern industrial product design.Modern industrial products and“convergence” between Chinese and western culture has become increasingly important.“National is the world’s”has the effect on the sobering for thinking mode of Chinese designers.Western aesthetic elements,perfect to bring new vitality,Oriental nation elements have“thought”national elements,acting as a fusion of two different cultural differences is one of the most important means.China since ancient times usurped the role of formal state,golden mean:“neutralization”that is famous for its beauty.In the long history of the world,the owner has an important part.
  In modern industrial product design,the influence of the Chinese national elements more and more can’t let people ignore.How deeply understand and apply the national culture elements and melt more Chinese culture connotation into modern industrial products, is the designer’s thinking direction in the future.Article analyzes connotation of Chinese national elements and break up the restructuring of China’s national elements,make it reasonable in modern industrial product design expression,rather than just the national elements into a“symbol”.In the modern industrial product development,more inherit and carry forward the Chinese national elements of“the beauty of neutralization”,excavate its broad connotation and utility,which are that we work for the common direction.
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【摘要】通过比较中美幽默广告实例,发现两者间的异同,从文化角度分析原因,对欣赏中美幽默广告以及跨文化交际提供一定的借鉴。  【关键词】幽默 广告 跨文化  一、引言  幽默是给人们带来笑声或提供娱乐的一种认知体验形式。幽默已公认为是维持人们良好关系的一种秘密武器,其功能主要是提供娱乐,有助于缩短人们之间的隔阂,缓解紧张局面,避免争端,帮助人们实现成功交际。当幽默运用于广告时,幽默的这些功能显现出其
【摘要】中高职教育是职业教育的重要组成部分,随着社会的不断发展,英语在职业教育中的作用与日俱增,但是英语在中高职教育的衔接方面依然存在着断层问题,对高职英语教育质量的复兴带来不利影响。本文将从该问题的具体表现着手,介绍当前中高职英语教育的现状,并对此提出一些可用建议,以求促进中高职英语教育良好有效的衔接,提升高职英语教育质量。  【关键词】中高职英语 教育质量 衔接机制 复兴  引言  随着我国职
【摘要】英语教学是一种语言艺术的教学。如果我们能够让学生在学习中欣赏到一种美,让学生在学习过程中有如沐春风的感觉,那么我们的英语教学就必然会达到理想的效果。下面我就结合自己在学中词汇教学中的做法,谈谈英语教学中如何让学生体验语言的美。  【关键词】词汇教学 新视角 语言美  一、利用英文影视歌曲,体验原味英语  英文歌曲特别是来自英语为母语国家的歌曲,地道、原汁原味让学生在在一种轻松快乐的氛围中学
【Abstract】The audio lingual method is a distinctive teaching method centering on listening and speaking, which is widely used in English teaching for many years. I analyze the sixth-grade primary scho
【摘要】本文采取问卷的方法,考察了西安市长安区城乡小学生在英语词汇学习策略的差距。受试分别为西安市长安区4所城乡小学的三至六年级的281名学生。问卷根据Nortbert Schmitt的分类方法设置了5个维度的关于如何进行词汇学习的40个问题。我们用SPSS统计软件对前一数据进行了独立样本T检验。T检验的结果显示:城乡小学英语词汇学习策略都存在显著差异,城市小学明显好于农村小学。最后对这一结果进行
There’s a saying going“The happiest thing in the world is to struggle for the ideal.”However,many people give up struggling because of lack of ambition.And as is known to all,the effort itself is suff
【摘要】本文将英语听力理解视为复杂认知技能,运用4C/ID模式对其开展教学设计研究,为大学英语听力开展课堂教学效果研究等提供了一种新的视角和方法。  【关键词】4C/ID模式 听力理解 教学设计  随着对基于整体论思想的面向复杂学习的整体任务设计的研究兴起,各种整体任务设计模式相继出现,其中以荷兰开放大学的麦里恩伯尔教授研究开发的4C/ID模式最具代表性。本文以基于整体任务设计的4C/ID为指导,
【摘要】英语是一门工具学科,也是一种交际工具。初中英语教学应着眼于发展学生的语言综合运用能力。教师要创设良好的教学情境,增强初中生积极参与英语活动的意识,提高英语学习的兴趣,体会成功的喜悦,点燃学生的激情,发挥学生的主体作用,让英语课堂教学精彩绽放,魅力无限。  【关键词】初中英语 情境教学 点燃激情  初中英语课堂教学应贯彻“以学生为中心”的教学理念,充分调动学生英语学习的积极性,给学生一个彰显
【摘要】学习策略的运用恰当与否是大学生英语学习的一个重要因素,本文主要介绍学习策略的概念与分类以及从本人的教学经验出发初探影响我校少数民族大学生英语学习策略的因素,同时提出培养我校少数民族大学生英语学习策略的方法。  【关键词】少数民族大学生 学习策略  随着大学英语教学改革的不断深入,人们不难发现教学中心由教师怎么教转变为学生怎么学。学习策略的研究己经成为国内外教育与心理学科领域的重点和焦点,然
《英语课程标准》提出,教学活动不应仅限于课堂,而应延伸到课堂之外的学习和生活中英语作业作为课堂教学之外的有效延伸,是巩固教师的教和学生的学的一个重要支撑点,但是现行小学英语作业形式普遍是 “一背”、“二抄”、“三练习”,作业形式结构单一、形式僵化、机械固定、缺少创造性,严重影响学生学习兴趣、挫伤学习热情,影响身心的健康发展,显然已经不适应新形势下英语课程改革的需要。因此,传统的英语课外作业需要改革