
来源 :成人教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangyuli
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1992年1月1日至1月13日,我参加了农业部在新加坡举办的全国农业成人教育管理干部培训班。通过听课参观和访问,了解了新加坡的发展史,了解了教育,尤其是成人教育情况及其在新加坡发展经济中的地位和作用。新加坡政府特别重视职工队伍素质的提高,狠抓人力资源的发展培训。一、建立有力的管理机构。1972年,成立国家生产力局,属于贸工部,下设生产力训练学院。生产力局主要负责组织管理人员的培训,通过提高管理水平,促进生产力的发展。每年经费1000多万元新币(相当人民币3500万元)。1979年,成立国家工作和职工培训局(简称工职局),隶属教育部,由教育次长兼任局长。下设15所训练学院,27所培训中心,并领导全国36个培训中心,主要负责就业前的职业教育和职工的技术、文化培训,以及国家一、二、三级技工的考核、发证工作。每年政府拨款一亿多新币(相当三亿五千万元人民币)。由于建立强有力的政府管理机构,全国职工培训 From January 1 to January 13, 1992, I participated in the National Agricultural Adult Education Management Cadre Training Course organized by the Ministry of Agriculture in Singapore. Through lectures and visits, I learned about the history of Singapore and learned about education, especially adult education and its status and role in developing economy in Singapore. The Singapore government pays special attention to the improvement of the quality of the staff and pay close attention to the development of human resources training. First, establish a strong management body. In 1972, the establishment of the National Bureau of productive forces, belonging to the Ministry of Trade and Industry, under the productive training institute. The HKPC is mainly responsible for organizing the training of management personnel and promoting the development of productivity by improving the management level. Annual funding of more than 1,000 million Singapore dollars (equivalent to 35 million yuan). In 1979, the State Work and Staff Training Bureau (abbreviated as the “Work and Welfare Bureau”) was established under the Ministry of Education and the vice-minister of education served as the director. It has 15 training institutes and 27 training centers and heads 36 training centers throughout the country. It is mainly responsible for the vocational and technical training of staff and workers and the examination and certification of first, second and third class national workers . Each year, the government allocates more than 100 million Singapore Dollars (equivalent to 350 million yuan). Thanks to the establishment of a strong government administration, training of workers across the country
如何结合实际贯彻、落实《公民道德建设实施纲要》笔者认为应该加强三个方面的认识: 一、要提高对继承与创新的关系的认识。江泽民同志在论述如何对待中华文化,怎样对待优秀
1 2015年1~5月农产品贸易额736亿美元,逆差190亿美元1~5月,中国农产品进出口额735.9亿美元,同比下降9.9%。其中,出口额273.2亿美元,下降2.0%;进口额462.7亿美元,下降14.1%;贸