A Study of Code-Switching in the Series Films of Rush Hour

来源 :校园英语·中旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:anitalok
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  【Abstract】Code-Switching (CS) is an interesting linguistic phenomenon which refers to the use of two or more linguistic varieties in the same conversation or interaction. The films of Rush Hour involves a great deal of CS and thus becomes an ideal material to study the linguistic phenomenon. This paper is dedicated to analyzing CS in films of Rush Hour with Myers-Scotton’s Markedness Model.
  【Key words】Code-Switching; Rush Hour; Markedness Model
  1.Research Background and objectives
  Since the 1970s, CS has become a heated research topic for linguists. Over the past decades, globalization has witnessed a sharp rise of CS. It can be easily found in everyday life. For example, “What are you 弄啥嘞?” has been spread as a network buzzword for it impresses people with funniness.
  The popular Rush Hour films made a good use of CS (English, Chinese, Cantonese and Japanese) to achieve an effect of humor. Characters in it switch their codes according to different language environments, purposes and so on. Therefore, Rush Hour can be taken as an ideal case to study CS phenomenon.
  This thesis is meant to conduct a theoretical study of CS with Myers Scotton’s Markedness Model and is dedicated to find out underlying mechanisms and functions of CS. In details, this thesis aims to solve the following questions:
  (1) What are the causes of CS in Rush Hour?
  (2) What characteristics does CS in Rush Hour have?
  (3) What are the functions of CS in Rush Hour?
  2. Literature Review
  2.1 The Definition of CS
  The term CS refers to “the alternate use of two or more languages within the same utterance or during the same conversation” (Hoffmann,1991). CS, a cover term for language or code alternations, is an extremely common occurrence and a favored strategy, especially in oral discourse (Verschuren,1999).
  2.2 Previous Studies on CS
  In the 1970s, Blom and Gumperz distinguished two types of CS in Social Meaning in Structure: CS in Norway. They made a distinction between situational and metaphorical CS. In 1983, Myers-Scotton put forward his Markedness Model. The concept “markedness” was first put forward by Jakobson. Scotton put this concept into the study of language variation and thought that the choice of code also had a distinction between “marked” and “unmarked”.
  3. Theoretical Foundation
  With extensive linguistic theory basis, Markedness Model is a development of markedness theory in cognitive pragmatic aspect (Zhu Changhe, 2005). In Markedness Model, members in the same linguistic community have the consensus of what the suitable code is, and the knowledge that choosing marked codes in certain situations will lead to special effects. Scotton presumes that markedness metric, speakers’ competence to identify marked codes, is contained in Chomsky’s pragmatic competence. The cognitive system in speakers’ mind will obtain the capability of understanding markedness through speakers’ interaction experience in his or her speech community.   3.1 Indexicality and Effect
  Two fundamental notions in Markedness Model are indexicality and effect. Based on indexicality, a code is included into marked or unmarked categories according to the expectations a speech community have in specific language settings. The choice that can be predicated by social norms is unmarked. However, whether a code is marked or not is a matter of continuum and there is no clear cut between them.
  Effect is linked to how the listener process the speakers’ intention. Scotton considered that intention, the indirect meaning in an utterance, can also be expressed through CS. In her Codes and Consequences, lots of examples show that speakers may express certain intention by means of CS.
  3.2 Rights and Obligations and Negotiation Principle
  Scotton proposed a “Rights and Obligations” principle (the RO set), which refers to the mutual attitudes and expectations participants have for each other in a conversation. Unmarked code choices form a set of unmarked “rights and obligations” while marked choices are manifestations of negotiation.
  3.3 Rational Actor Model
  Code choices are calculated by speakers in order to gain maximum benefits. Firstly, as rational acts attach importance to cost-benefit analysis, choices are necessarily related to purposes. Secondly, rationality is also the mechanism to account for how choices are made. The reasons for speakers to choose certain code is that they want to get benefit from the choice of themselves.
  4. The Analysis of CS in Rush Hour by Markedness Model
  In the following dialogues, all speakers in the dialogues have a consensus which guides them to choose marked or unmarked code under different circumstances. And speakers’ act of switching codes is a rational and leads to some ends. Particularly, CS as a marked choice is a process of negotiating to abolish the current Rights and Obligations set, and meanwhile, constructing a new set of Rights and Obligations the speaker wants the listener to accept.
  Dialogue 1
【摘要】随着教学改革的不断深入,培养学生的创业能力成了高职教育中的重要教学目标。在高职商务英语专业课程中,要将创业教育融合进去,使学生在未来得到更好的发展。本文首先分析了将高职商务英语专业课程和创业教育相融合的重要性,然后分析了融合的现状,最后针对如何将两者有机融合提出了几点策略。  【关键词】高职;商务英语;专业课程;创业教育;融合  【作者简介】熊敏(1982-),女,武昌职业学院,讲师,本科
【摘要】英语是当今世界的通用语言,学好英语对于初中学生了解世界具有重要的意义,但是英语本身与汉语母语有着较大的差异性,缺少学习环境和学习氛围是当前学生需要面对的问题。本文针对初中英语教学中存在的问题,结合自身的教学实践,提出了借鉴群文阅读,将英语教学置于真实的或创设的生活情境中开展,有效提高学生的英语水平。  【关键词】初中;英语;群文阅读;认知创新  【作者简介】韩奇玲,白银市白银区武川新村学校
在当地人心中,这片由“怪石头”组成的“岩石森林”就像迷宫一般能惑人心神,如果有人轻易闯入,很有可能就永远迷失在其中。  “树衣”薄如绿纱,逶迤垂下,每当风入林间,“树衣”纷纷飘渺摇曳,似绿纱荡起。阳光斑驳地照着“树衣”,又像精灵的眼睛在树体上梭巡。  格萨拉是彝族人的音乐天堂,他们唱着“丫合”(彝语,即山歌)行走在山间峡谷和高原平坝,歌声中带着祖先悲怆困苦的灵魂,曲调含情引人落泪。    美丽梦幻
【摘要】英语词汇是教学的关键环节,应得到师生重视,但是现阶段对于高中英语的词汇教学,仍存在一系列问题,使得英语教师的教学效率不高,并且学生英语成绩难以得到有效的提升。对于这类问题,作为高中英语老师,应该及时反思自己教学中存在的不足,积极改进,从而帮助高中学生提高英语学习能力,促进学生的良好发展。  【关键词】高中英语;问题;词汇教学;改进策略  【作者简介】余涌,宁夏灵武英才学校。  随着社会的飞
【摘要】 在英语学习过程中,了解英语本身的特点并与母语的特点进行比较非常重要,尤其是英汉两种语言与文化的对比分析。对于文化和语言,两者常常互相渗透,密切联系。不言而喻,语言是文化组成必不可少的一部分。是通过社会习得的知识, 而语言则是人类所有的一种能力,是在后天社会语言环境中习得的一套知识体系。此外,语言是文化的载体。语言体现着人类的思维方式,承载着文化信息。本文试从英语重形合与汉语重意合、英语多
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