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  1. —Jim told me it would be easy for him to pass the driving test.
  —Oh, ! You know thats a big talk.
  A. come onB. no way
  C. it dependsD. forget it
  2. It was the middle of the night my roommate woke me up and urged me to watch The World Cup Football Final.
  A. thatB. as
  C. whichD. when
  3. He himself to a search by the guards before entering the government building.
  A. objectedB. agreed
  C. compromisedD. resigned
  4. An artist who was recently traveling on a ferry to a deserted island discovered a long lost antique Greek vase.
  A. at randomB. by accident
  C. in turnD. on occasion
  5. President Xis visit to the UK creates a winwin situation, both China and the UK will benefit a lot in economical development.
  A. one whereB. one
  C. whatD. the one in which
  6. I in the USA for two weeks and I really have no idea what is happening in Shanghai.
  A. had stayedB. have been staying
  C. have stayedD. stayed
  7. —Where are you living now?
  —Ive moved to you know my father once lived in.
  A. whichB. that
  C. whereD. what
  8. How much your new iPhone 6 looks with the new pack!
  A. beautifulB. beautifully
  C. more beautifulD. more beautifully
  9. With all the issues we were concerned about , we still think the result is ideal. Lets work even harder.
  A. settled; far fromB. settled; next to
  C. settling; as forD. settling; due to
  10. If my doctor inquired about my physical condition at the present moment, the only possible reply would be that I greatly in need of relaxation.
  A. would beB. would have been
  C. wasD. am
  11. Economic growth in the world remained weak throughout 2015 and it is hoped that it will gradually in 2016.
  A. break upB. make up
  C. pick upD. put up
  12. —What does the sign over there read?
  —No person smoke or carry a lighted cigarette in this area.
  A. willB. may
  C. shallD. must
  13. The wedding dress of the Princess is noble and elegant. is the beauty of this style that it will be popular with young women.
  A. SuchB. It
  C. WhatD. That
  14. To avoid making my friends embarrassed, I decided to switch from this controversial topic to .
  A. anotherB. the other
  C. othersD. other
  15. —Nancy, have you previewed your lessons as told?   —Not yet.
  —Please remember:.
  A. Many hands make light work
  B. Rome wasnt built in a day
  C. Chances favor the prepared mind
  D. Make hay while the sun shines
  Because conflict and disagreements are part of all close relationships, couples need to learn strategies for managing conflict in a healthy and constructive way. Some couples just 16 and deny the presence of any conflict in a relationship. 17, denying the existence of conflict results in couples 18 to solve their problems at early 19, which can then lead to even greater problems later 20. Not surprisingly, expressing anger and disagreement leads to lower marital (婚姻的) satisfaction at the beginning. However, this pattern of behavior 21 increases in marital satisfaction over time. Research suggests that working 22 conflicts is an important predictor of marital satisfaction.
  So, what can you do to manage conflict in your own relationships? First, try to understand the other persons point of view 23 put yourself in his or her place. People who are 24 to what their partner thinks and feels 25 greater relationship satisfaction. For example, researchers found that among people in dating relationships 26 marriages, those who can adopt their partners perspective show more positive 27,more relationshipenhancing attributes(特质) and more constructive responses 28 conflict.
  Second, because conflict and disagreements are an 29 part of close relationships, people need to be able to apologize to their partner for wrongdoing and 30 forgiveness from their partners for their own acts. Apologies minimize conflict, lead to forgiveness, and serve to restore relationship closeness. In line 31 this view, spouses (配偶) who are more forgiving show higher mental 32 over time. Increasingly, apologizing can even have 33 health benefits. For example, when people reflect on hurtful 34 and grudges (怨恨),they show negative physiological (生理的) effects, including 35 heart rate and blood pressure, compared to when they reflect on sympathetic perspective—taking and forgiving.
  16. A. abandonB. avoid
  C. regretD. solve
  17. A. BesidesB. Therefore
  C. MoreoverD. However
  18. A. failingB. declining
  C. tryingD. striving
  19. A. agesB. years
  C. stagesD. intervals
  20. A. byB. on
  C. offD. away
  21. A. prescribesB. opposes
  C. provesD. predicts
  22. A. roundB. through   C. amongD. across
  23. A. soB. while
  C. butD. and
  24. A. sensitiveB. superior
  C. uniqueD. efficient
  25. A. experienceB. expose
  C. exploreD. exploit
  26. A. as long asB. as far as
  C. as soon asD. as well as
  27. A. mindsB. emotions
  C. psychologyD. affection
  28. A. toB. against
  C. atD. toward
  29. A. absoluteB. inevitable
  C. essentialD. obvious
  30. A. achieveB. inquire
  C. receiveD. require
  31. A. overB. with
  C. upD. of
  32. A. capabilityB. identity
  C. charityD. quality
  33. A. creativeB. objective
  C. positiveD. competitive
  34. A. prospectsB. concepts
  C. memoriesD. outlooks
  35. A. addedB. toughened
  C. strengthenedD. increased
  Once again this year, like last, I have the honor of recommending a selection of books for the TED Bookstore. Below are this years picks, along with the original text that appears on the bookstore cards and the introduction.
  When a journalist by the name of “Dear Sugar” introduced herself on The Rumpus on March 11, 2010, she made her suggestions clear: a “bythebook common sense of Dear Abby and the low quality of Cary Tennis and the rudeness of Dan Savage and...” But in the twosome years that followed, she went on to deliver something brief, more honest, more profound(深刻的). Collected in Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar, one of the best psychology and philosophy books of 2012, is her wholehearted wisdom on lifes trickiest contexts—sometimes the simplest, sometimes the most complex, always the most deeply human.
  The questions children ask are often so simple, so basic, that they turn unclear yet profound philosophy into requiring applepiefromscratch type of answers. To explore this simplicity and expansiveness, Elwin Harris asked thousands of primary school children between the ages of four and twelve to send in their most restless questions, then invited some of todays most wellknown scientists, philosophers, and writers—including TEDsters like Alain de Botton, Mary Roach, and Richard Dawkins—to answer them. The result is Big Questions from Little People
高考对作文“发展等级”所作的规定中,共分为“深刻、丰富、文采、创意”等4个方面。在评分标准中还特地注明,有一项突出就可以得到发展等级的满分。这无疑是十分诱人的得分点。下面结合具体文章,谈谈我们如何在高考作文中跨上发展等级的最高峰。  丰富——形象丰满  写作教授  文/陈洁  可逸先生是中文系资格最老的写作教师。这你可以从他的样子看出来。他长得又高又瘦,却又不好意思挺着脖子俯视众生,所以背就一天比
Unit 1  1. In 1985, there was little rainfall in Ethiopia, which led to poor harvests and the death of many of the countrys cattle. (L.1, P.2) 1985年,埃塞俄比亚几乎没有降雨,这导致庄稼歉收,牛畜死亡。  【点拨】 短语lead to 意为“导致,引起”
成语作为汉语中具有较强表现力和特殊修辞效果的固定短语,是汉语词汇中的精华,也是我们所喜闻乐见的语言素材。成语以其短小精悍、形象逼真、音节整饬、意义精辟等特点而备受高考命题专家们的青睐。下面以2013年全国各地高考试卷中的成语运用题为例,谈谈怎样找准成语运用的误区,突破2014年成语运用题的瓶颈,准确高效解答成语运用题。  误区一、望文生义  成语是一种固定词组,是以整体来表达意义的,我们不能把成语
一  共享单车成了公众素质的“照妖镜”?  最近,各地有关共享单车“被虐”的消息不少。  2017年2月17日,湖北武汉东湖景区近百辆共享单车被保安拖走、丢弃在东湖绿道外荒地,事后东湖绿道物业管理公司道歉并承诺赔偿损失,还开除了负责此次整治的安保队长;同一天,山东济南一男子因路边停放的10余辆共享单车影响自己摆放报摊,而将这些车叠放,后被警方以“寻衅滋事”行政拘留。还有一组图片在朋友圈疯传:有的共
今年,诗歌鉴赏题的分值已经提高到10分,这道历来被视为难点的题目身价更高了。下面结合南通市和扬州市高三期末卷学生的答题情况,把答题失分原因做个分析,希望能对考生弥补复习漏洞有所增益。  【例一】阅读下面这首唐诗,然后回答问题。(南通卷)  塞下曲  戎昱  北风凋白草,胡马日骎骎①。  夜后戍楼月,秋来边将心。  铁衣霜露重,战马年月深。  自有卢龙塞②,烟尘飞至今。  注:①骎骎(qīn qīn
【摘 要】 校企协同育人是信息与计算科学专业培养符合社会发展需求的应用型人才非常有效的模式。但目前高校普遍采用的校企合作模式与农业院校信息与计算科学专业的教学实际不符,本文以华中农业大学信息与计算科学专业为例介绍了“嵌入互动式”的校企合作新模式,探索了农业院校信息与计算科学专业校企协同育人机制实施路径。  【关键词】 信息与计算科学;校企协同育人;教育实践  Exploration on the
一、填空题:本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共70分  1.已知全集U=R,集合A={x|x 1>0},则  瘙 綂 UA=.  2.已知复数z=3-2ii(i是虚数单位),则复数z所对应的点位于复平面的第象限.  3.已知正四棱锥的底面边长是6,高为7,这个正四棱锥的侧面积是.  18.将52名志愿者分成A,B两组参加义务植树活动,A组种植150捆白杨树苗,B组种植200捆沙棘树苗.假定A,B两组
一  张鑫娜:郑州“90后”女护士跪地救人,刷爆朋友圈  7月14日下午1点左右,郑州市西三环高架桥下,一位中年女子从高架桥滑下,砰地倒在地上。路过这里的一名穿黑色连衣裙的年轻姑娘急忙走过来,她一边给中年女子撑起伞,一边打120。当察觉中年女子有生命危险时,她扔了伞双膝跪地,开始给中年女子做心肺复苏:一下、两下……嘴对嘴吹气,再来,一下、两下……几分钟过去了,急救人员来了,姑娘撤到了一边,直到中年
根据以下材料,选取角度,自拟题目,写一篇不少于800字的文章;文体不限,除诗歌外。  一位艺术家挑选了一些游客在柏林大屠杀纪念馆的搞怪留影,然后将图片中肃穆的建筑背景替换为大屠杀中真实的场景。背景一换,纳粹种族清洗的历史瞬间来到眼前,累累白骨、层层尸墙,游客的搞怪行为特别显眼。这位艺术家说:“在我看来,这是一个很沉重的地方。”  [写作指导]  这是一则叙事类材料作文题,涉及艺术家和“一些游客”。
易错点1、遗忘空集致误  由于空集是任何非空集合的真子集,因此B=时也满足BA.解含有参数的集合问题时,要特别注意当参数在某个范围内取值时所给的集合可能是空集这种情况.  易错点2、忽视集合元素的三性致误  集合中的元素具有确定性、无序性、互异性,集合元素的三性中互异性对解题的影响最大,特别是带有字母参数的集合,实际上就隐含着对字母参数的一些要求.  易错点3、混淆命题的否定与否命题  命题的“否