The Evaluation of the Textbook—Go For It

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  【Abstract】Through evaluation of the textbook, most teachers have a clear direction for what to teach, how to teach and assist students to acquire and improve their English level.
  【Key words】evaluation; English level
  1. Introduction
  English is regarded as the second language, we do not have the natural environment to listen and speak English, so English materials become extremely important for teaching and learning. Textbook is a coursebook, which provides the core materials for a course and its aims are to provide knowledge and contents for teachers and students(Tomlinson, 1998). In order to understand and utilize the textbook better, English teachers need to comprehend it totally and have evaluation criterion about English textbooks, who can own the ability to choose and use different teaching contents and methods flexibly according to students’ requirements and the actual teaching conditions. This paper pays more attention on the merits and demerits of the textbook, Go for it.
  2. The Evaluation of Go For It
  Huchinson and Waters (2002) say that evaluation is a matching process. Something needs to be fit for a specific purpose. Textbook evaluation has the same reason. Nunan (2004) states that the aim of Go For It is to implement task-based approach in the English language teaching to make students learn about how to use language rather than acquire some simple knowledge points. In the following part, I will evaluate the textbook- Go For It from the strengths and the weakness.
  2.1 Strengths
  Firstly, Cunningsworth (2002) claims that coursebooks have to take account of students’ needs and promote their interests on study. In this book, each page with attractive pictures that are fit for students’ psychological features because they like interesting and valid paintings. One of the most important characters of this book is vital knowledge accompanied entertaining pictures, which is apt to imagine by students. Secondly, Ur (2000) refers that supplementary materials are useful to get a better understanding about the contents that students learn. When all units are finished, the textbook adds some useful knowledge to each chapter, through the notes on the text, students grasp key points and grammars. It is convenient for them to make notes in order to review timely in the final examinations. I have to emphasis that tapescripts are attached on the behind of this book. It facilitates students to listen materials again.   2.2 Weaknesses
  Each coin has two sides. Go For It also has some disadvantages. Firstly, the content’ scope is so broad that teachers have to need to research a large number of materials to prepare lessons, which is a large challenge for them to get the start. Secondly, although the contents are plentiful, the relevance among each unit is little. For example, unit one discusses about holiday. However, unit two talks about exercise. It is difficult for teachers and students to memorize contents and establish relevance among knowledge.
  3. Conclusion
  The textbook of Go For It is regarded as a relatively complete material. Topic, grammars, vocabularies, sentence-structures are suitable to students’ needs and levels. It is based on task-based teaching and the training of skills on listening, speaking, reading and writing is provided a large amount of activities so that students play the subject role to express their various skills in the learning process. What’s more, previous learned knowledge are combined with newly learned contents well. But we know that there is no perfect textbook. (McGrath, 2002) teachers“should see the coursebook not as the course, but as an aid to fulfilling the aims and objectives which they have themselves formulated”. I hope that my evaluation on Go For It will take much assistance for educational researchers, which make them have new awareness to adopt and adjust the textbook. Learners maximize to develop their learning skills in the learning process.
  [1]Cunningsworth,A.(2002).Choosing Your Coursebook.Shanghai:Foreign Language Education Press.
  [2]McGrath,I.(2002).Materials Evaluation and Design for Language Teaching.Edinburgh:Edinburgh University Press.
  [3]Nunan,D.(2004).Task-Based Language Teaching.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.
  [4]Ur,P.(2000).A Course in Language Teaching:Practice and Theory.Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.Cambridge University Press.
  [5]Tomlinson,B.(1998).Materials Development in Language Teaching.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.
  作者簡介:巩玥(1993-), 女, 汉族, 辽宁沈阳人, 渤海大学, 外国语学院学科教学(英语), 研究生。
一、概念界定  “合作學习”(Cooperative Learning)是本世纪 70年代初兴起于美国,并在 70年代中期至80年代中期取得实质性进展的一种教学理论与策略。  “小组合作学习”是指“学生在小组或团队中为了完成共同的任务,有明确的责任分工的互助性学习”。合作学习是由教师分配学习任务和控制教学进程的。在英语课堂教学活动中,为使师生之间、学生之间更有效地进行语言交际,教师把全班学生分成人
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【摘要】批判性思维能力的培养对于英语专业学生的发展有着重要作用,同时也是培养学生创新精神及能力的主要措施。本文就对英语专业批判性思维的意义价值进行了分析,并提出优化策略,旨在促进批判性思维能力能够在英语专业中更好的应用及发展。  【关键词】英语专业;批判性思维;优化策略;意义  【作者简介】康木英(1978.08.15-),女,汉族,四川德阳人,四川文理学院,研究生,讲师,研究方向:英语教学法。 
【摘要】《一个青年艺术家的画像》是现代主义意识流之父詹姆斯.乔伊斯的重要代表作之一,自问世以来已被学者从多个角度进行了研究。本文试从荣格心理学的视角对《一个青年艺术家的画像》中的主人公斯蒂芬的神话追寻之路进行分析,从而使读者能对这部作品中的主人公斯蒂芬从顺从宗教走向追求艺术之路有更深刻的认识。  【关键词】《一个青年艺术家的画像》 斯蒂芬 荣格心理学 神话  荣格,瑞士心理学家,分析心理学首创人。
【摘要】高等教育国际一体化是近年来区域提升高等教育质量,应对国际服务贸易竞争的重要因素。在“一带一路”倡议引领下,沿线国家教育合作的广度与深度日益加深。本文以此为出发点,以中国与马来西亚国际合作社行业院校间教育交流为切入点,探究推动“一带一路”沿线国家高职院校服务行业与区域经济发展的路径及其理据。  【关键词】“一带一路”沿线国家;高职教育;行业办学;教育交流  【作者简介】张康,浙江经贸职业技术
【摘要】《Half a Day》,只能指半天,却被理解为一天,错误的原因主要要归咎于对源语的???? (yawm)和译语的day理解有误,我们通过会话原则、逻辑语义、词典解释、语用证实几个方面来证明half a day只能是半天,即一个上午或一个下午。本文使用了隐喻,是半天还是一天,是一生还是半生,差别迥异,已经影响到对文章的理解。同时,从文字上看,中文翻译成《半日》/《半天》很忠实,却也延续了英
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