
来源 :中国石油和化工经济分析 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:supperkk
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2013年全球ABS总产能达到1068.4万吨/年,消费量为705.4万吨,其中亚洲是世界生产和消费的最大地区,也是全球唯一的ABS净出口地区。预计到2017年全球ABS需求年均增速仍将小于产能增速,供大于求的态势将持续。2013年我国ABS产能329.8万吨/年,表观消费量392.8万吨,办公器械是最大消费领域。周边国家和地区ABS产品大量出口我国,国内ABS全年价格较低,但相对稳定。随着新增产能的陆续释放,预计2017年我国ABS产能将达426万吨/年,自给率上升至80%,但供不应求问题仍存在,高端产品需求仍依赖进口。 In 2013, the global ABS production capacity reached 10.684 million tons / year and the consumption was 7.054 million tons. Among them, Asia is the largest producer and consumer in the world and the only ABS net exporter in the world. It is estimated that the global average annual growth rate of ABS demand will still be less than the growth rate of production capacity by 2017, and the situation of oversupply will continue. In 2013, the production capacity of ABS in China was 3.298 million tons / year, and the apparent consumption was 3.982 million tons. The office equipment was the biggest area of ​​consumption. A large number of ABS products from neighboring countries and regions are exported to China. The price of domestic ABS is relatively low throughout the year, but it is relatively stable. With the gradual release of new capacity, it is estimated that the production capacity of ABS in China will reach 4.26 million tons / year in 2017 and the self-sufficiency rate will rise to 80%. However, the problem of in short supply still exists and the demand for high-end products still depends on imports.
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在挪威的西南部,有一座著名的山峰名叫谢拉格山。由于这里濒临美丽的海湾——里瑟峡湾,两岸壁立千仞,巨岩耸立,形成了很多壮观的景象,吸引着来自世界各地的游客。 In the so
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