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一、引言 对不同森林类型和植物群落易燃性的研究是进行森林防火和营林用火的基础,也是研究林火发生和林火行为予测予报的重要理论依据。 不同季节、不同森林类型和植物群落的易燃性是不一样的,这与天气条件有着密切关系。在长期干旱或十分水湿的天气条件下,其易燃性的程度是截然不同的。除气象要素(降水量、气温、相对湿度、风速等)外,还与可燃物的种类、含水率和立地条件等不同,其易燃性也有很大的差异。 I. INTRODUCTION The study on the flammability of different forest types and plant communities is the basis for forest fire prevention and forest fire protection. It is also an important theoretical basis for studying the occurrence of forest fires and forest fire behavior. In different seasons, the flammability of different forest types and plant communities is different, which is closely related to the weather conditions. The degree of flammability is quite different in long-term drought or very wet conditions. In addition to the meteorological elements (precipitation, temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, etc.), but also with the types of combustibles, moisture content and site conditions, the flammability is also very different.
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【正】 At a time the whole petrochemical industry is delaying or reducing investments,Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum (Group) Co.,Ltd.announced plans to spend RMB30
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