A Comparative Analysis of Chinese and American Automobile Advertising Culture

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  1. Similarities
  The ultimate ideal of Chinese philosophy is pursuing a realm of harmonious coexistence of human and nature. This concept in Chinese auto advertising also performed very obviously.
  For example, in the Buick Regal“动静合一篇”, the picture is a car passing through the vast grasslands, and it over mountains, he follows joyous run in the forest, and then on the open road. The voice-over is: “心致,行随,动静合一,别克君威”. The entire advertisement has no more description of vehicle’s performance, but the vehicle is positioned at the nature of harmonious beauty, and Chinese natural values are revealed visibly.
  Also in the United States, people have the original love and respect for nature and environment. In the Buick Enclave ad, the screen is: in the morning, a man drives up to wash out, whose process seems to expose to the same harmonious and beautiful nature. The voice-over is: “We designed to wake up the senses, to please your eye and invite your touch. We designed to move you, the finest luxury crossover ever.” The song in this advertisement is the lyric of natural element, for example, “birds are flying high in the sky, and I can feel that. It’s a new day. It’s a new life.”
  In conclusion, life that is close to the nature is even more beautiful. Through these two words, it can be seen that China and America are closely similar to the values of nature.
  2. Differences
  In Chinese culture, collectivism is the primary value. Among the traditional culture, the family is a basic unit in social structure and cannot be divided, and individual is only an organic part of this unit.
  For example, “国车骄傲,中国芯”,“我是中国人,我开中国车”these languages appeared in Chery ads as they can find their cultural echo in Chinese culture. So, the concepts as family, group unity, kinship and being social are very common in Chinese auto ads and are favored by Chinese consumer.
  American social and cultural core is individualism. They are self-centered, i.e. they purse self-satisfaction and emphasize self-realization. Buick Moments in American television commercials, the screen is a man driving the Buick in the forest, his hair with the wind blowing. The monologue: “I feel like I am free simply for the experience of driving.” Full papers use the first person–“I” to describe feelings, and personal feelings and values of performance are very obvious.
  In this ad, we can see that individualism is the essence of American culture, which becomes the starting point and destination of American thought in the process of the development of American culture.
  By content analysis, it is shown that Chinese ads tend towards collectivism, but American ads pursue individualism.
【摘要】本文作者来自于贫困县,对于该类地区英语教育资源匮乏有深刻的认识,在该地区学生们对于知识的渴望与优秀教育资源的匮乏有着深深的沟壑,学生们或得知识的平台少之又少。远赴异乡求学的学子为了为家乡地区献出一点绵薄之力,希望通过自己的微薄之力做一些改变。面对英语教育资源匮乏这一问题,我们通过个人的一些探索,发现可以利用AI技术支持下的远程教育来改善这一问题。  【关键词】英语教育;远程教育;AI技术 
【摘要】随着我国高等院校国际学术交流机制的建立与健全,提供优质外语教育,满足国际学术交往需求已经成为大学英语教学目标的重要内涵之一。本研究利用三种语言数据分析软件对我校承办的一项大型医学国际会议相关文本进行数据分析,以国际会议英语课程语言能力框架为基础,建构我校本科生国际会议交流的英语能力培养框架。  【关键词】语篇分析;国际会议英语;医学英语;学术英语  【作者简介】姜冬蕾,空军军医大学基础医学
【摘要】赏识教育就是以尊重人为前提,充分发挥学生在教育教学活动中的主体性特点,在教育教学活动中,以关心、爱护学生的方式出发,让学生真正感受到被关注。初中英语教学中,更是需要有赏识教育的存在,因为赏识教育能够加深学生对英语学科的好感,从而变得积极主动的学习英语。  【关键词】赏识教育;初中英语;课堂教学;运用探讨  【作者简介】刘小会,江苏省沭阳县青伊湖初级中学。  新课改体制下,赏识教育不仅可以提
【摘要】高中英语合作教学的高效模式一直是一线教师努力探索和研究的问题。然而,由于各种因素存在于高中英语写作教学课堂中,出现了低效率和低收益的情况,有些学生根本无法参与课堂活动。这是教师迫切需要解决的问题。本文将结合作者的教学经验,探讨问题驱动法在高中英语写作教学中的应用,旨在实现一个以问题驱动法引领下的高效高中英语课堂。  【关键词】问题驱动法;高中英语写作;有效应用  【作者简介】高妙文,广东省
【摘要】中小学是学习英语的初级阶段,也是每个孩子培养和提高英语水平的重要时期。尤其是初一正是孩子们对英语一知半解的时期,除了每天学习的书本,如果能够有丰富有趣的课外读物去激发他们对英语的好奇和兴趣,那么,势必对他们未来的英语学习大有裨益。而在当前很多家庭无法监督孩子和游戏满天飞的情况下,如果在课内为孩子们提供一些阅读时间,可能是很多老师无奈下的一种比较好的选择。  【关键词】初一;课外材料;课内英
【摘要】译林版《牛津高中英语》的每个单元由Welcome to the unit开始,教材自应用以来Welcome板块就因配图和设计问题围绕单元话题设计。文章从核心素养观的角度出发,浅议《牛津高中英语》Welcome板块教学价值。  【关键词】核心素养;《牛津高中英语》;Welcome to the unit  【作者简介】曹筠,江苏省外国语学校。一、Welcome to the unit的内容和
【摘要】本文作者通过平时运用微课进行教学的所见、所感、所思,将微课进行分类与分析,总结它们各自的优点并给出合理的教学建议,设计出以生为本的微课辅助小学英语教学,培养学生的自学能力,从而优化教学效果。  【关键词】微课;小学英语;自学能力  【作者简介】卞蕾,江苏省扬州市广陵区汶河小学。  “微时代”的今天,教育模式几乎每天都在不断更新。微课以其时间短、容量小、内容精、形式活的特点,迅速获得了一线教
【摘要】合作观念在学生的成长历程中起着十分重要作用,随着教育理念的不断变化,生本理念也日益深入人心, 如何做到以学生为本,因材施教是当今教师的重点工作内容。小学英语教学要求教师创新教学方法,并采用小学英语小组活动合作学习方法指导教学。提高学生在组织合作学习中的学习积极性,创建有效的学习课堂。因此,本文主要探讨了小学英语小组合作教学策略,以提高学生的学习动机和学业成绩,为后续教学提供理论依据。  【