
来源 :机械工艺师 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:feixiete2009
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应广大读者的要求,为加速企业技术改造,本刊、机电部夹具技术网、江苏无锡标准化学会拟于1991年10月下旬在无锡联合举办为期6天的《1991年第二次全国机床夹具技术与机械标准研讨会》。会议内容: (1)讲授机床夹具定位设计新概念和新方法,介绍国内外机械工艺工装的新进展; (2)研讨机床夹具设计、制造、使用中存在的问题及其解决方法; (3)对机械标准化进行宣贯和研讨; (4)有关专家对机械加工工艺与工装进行免费咨询。每人收会务费120元;统一安排食宿,食宿费自理。限额50人,愿参加者将姓名、职务(职称)、工作单位(通讯地址)、邮政编码写清,并加盖公章,寄北京右安门内大街10号(邮政编码100054),《机械工艺师》杂志社邢春和收。开会具体日期、地点,报到注意事项将在会前另行通知,凭通知书参加会议。 In response to the requirements of readers, in order to accelerate the technological transformation of enterprises, the Journal, the Electromechanical Division fixture technology network, Jiangsu Wuxi Institute of Standardization plans to jointly hold a six-day “1991 second national machine tool fixture technology” in Wuxi in late October 1991. Workshop with Machinery Standards. Contents of the meeting: (1) Teaching new concepts and methods for the positioning design of machine tool fixtures, and introducing the new progress of mechanical process fixtures at home and abroad; (2) Studying the problems in the design, manufacture and use of machine tool fixtures and their solutions; (3) The promotion and discussion of mechanical standardization; (4) Experts concerned consult the mechanical processing technology and tooling for free. The conference fee is RMB 120 per person; uniform accommodation and accommodation are provided. With a quota of 50 people, participants are expected to write down the name, position (title), work unit (address), and zip code, and affix their official seal to the 10th Ren’anmennei Street, Beijing (Zip Code 100054). Teacher Magazine Xing Chunhe received. The specific date and place of the meeting and the notice of registration will be notified before the meeting and the meeting will be attended by notice.
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8月14日,长春第一汽车制造厂资源综合利用工作会议在厂部第一会议室隆重召开。在主席台就座的来宾有: 国家计委资源节约和综合利用司郭培章处长、“中汽”总公司物资供应总