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转爐炼鋼的中心环节是提高温度,坚决与土铁中的高硫作斗爭。但是提高溫度与去高硫单純依靠转爐正常冶炼操作已不能滿足要求,因此主要应該在热风碱性化铁爐中来完成。虽然我厂在1954年下半年在铁道研究院的协作指导下已試驗成功了碱性化铁爐,应用在普通鑄鉄和球墨铸鉄方面,几年来已取得了一定的生产經驗,但进一步如何将碱性化铁爐应用到转爐炼鋼方面去,开始时还認識不一致,党委及时地糾正了某些不正确的想法,明确指出,改裝热风碱性化铁爐是土鉄炼好鋼的关键之一,在厂领导的重視下以十五天的时間就建成了仿照13M~3小高爐型式的爐外加热式热风爐,从去年11月份开始,热风水冷碱性化铁爐正式投入生产。对于含硫特別高的土铁采用热风水冷化铁爐、碱性铁水包爐外去硫及側吹碱性转爐等三 The central part of converter steelmaking is to raise the temperature and firmly fight the high sulfur in soil iron. However, raising the temperature and going to high sulfur simply relies on the normal smelting operation of the converter can not meet the requirements, so it should be done mainly in the hot-air alkaline iron furnace. Although our factory successfully tested the alkaline iron furnace under the guidance of the cooperation of the Railway Research Institute in the second half of 1954, we have gained a certain amount of production experience in the past few years for ordinary cast iron and ductile iron casting. However, how to further The basic iron furnace applied to the converter steelmaking to start, but also do not recognize the inconsistency, the party committee promptly corrected some incorrect ideas, made it clear that the conversion of hot air alkaline iron furnace is the soil refining the steel One of the key, under the leadership of the plant built in 15 days time modeled on the 13M ~ 3 small blast furnace type hot stove outside the furnace, starting last November, the hot air water-cooled alkaline iron furnace officially put into produce. For iron with a particularly high sulfur content iron hot air blast furnace, alkaline ladle furnace desulfurization and side-blown alkaline converter and other three
泛美氧化铝公司(Interamericana de Alumina)第一条生产线的起动,从公用系统试运转到1983年第三季度工厂全面生产要持续一年的时间。起动的主要阶段包括: 1.公用系统试运转
改进设备,提高设备利用率——采用新技术,不断改进技术操作——加强辅助工序,改进组织管理 Improve equipment, improve equipment utilization - Adoption of new technolo