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“文字狱”自古有之,以清朝乾隆时期为最盛。学界对“文字狱”的研究多集中于庄廷龙《明史》案、《南山集》案、曾静案等大的案件,研究视角往往是自上而下地将“文字狱”视为一种满族统治者针对汉族文人的压迫政策,是一种封建专制统治的“文统”策略。其实,“文字狱”中还有大量由小民发起的诬告陷害案件,通过对这些案件的分析可形成“文字狱”研究的自下而上的视角。清代“文字狱”文献中包含了至少25件诬告陷害案件,这些案件主要发生在健讼的江南地区,发起人以平民为主,针对对象主要是士绅阶层,目的包括敲诈钱财、报复陷害和反抗欺凌等。这使我们看到了清朝“文字狱”的另外一面,即平民积极利用“文字狱”来实现自己特殊目的的一面。这种情况的发生与清朝百姓的生存压力相关,与“文字狱”本身的特点及牵涉的法律制度相关,与弱势群体的生存状态相关。 “Prison ” has since ancient times, with the Qing Dynasty Qianlong period as the heyday. The study of “Literary Prison ” in academia mostly focuses on Zhuang Tinglong ’s “Ming Shi” case, “Nanshan Ji” case and Zeng Jing ’ s case. The research angle of view is often regarded as a kind of “prison of letters” from top to bottom The policy of the Manchu rulers against the oppression of the Han nationality literary people is a “literary ” strategy of feudal autocracy. In fact, there are a large number of false accusations and cases initiated by small people in “Prison Letters”. By analyzing these cases, a bottom-up perspective of “literary prison” research can be formed. At least 25 cases of false accusation were involved in the literary jail in the Qing Dynasty. These cases occurred mainly in the southern part of Jian Sui. The sponsors were mainly civilians. The targets were mainly gentry-based groups. Their purpose included extorting money and retaliation And fight bullying. This shows us the other side of the Qing Dynasty’s “literary prison”, in which civilians make active use of “literary jail” to realize their special purpose. The occurrence of this situation is related to the pressure of subsistence of the Qing dynasty and related to the characteristics of the “prison of letters” and the legal system involved, and to the living conditions of vulnerable groups.
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【真题回放】题目:怀念 的日子要求:①先在横线上填写合适的词语,把题目补充完整,然后作文。②除诗歌外,文体不限。600字左右。③文中不得出现真实的人名、校名、地名。 [Z
上海刘先生问: 我的女儿上课注意力比较集中,可就是记不住东西,回到家常把老师布置的作业漏做。我们十分苦恼,不知是怎么回事,怎样才能改变这一现状?刘先生: 不知道您女儿的