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过去,基层供销社双代店的购销业务在基层供销社占有一定的比例,对供销社的发展超过不少作用。到了1985年,由于个体商业的崛起,有的双代店便撇开供销社自行到外地进货,而将差价收入归自己所得。对此,有的基层供销社采取抽回资金,放任不管的办法,也有的暂不收回铺底流动资金,而是按月向代销店收取一定比例的管理费,使双代店名义上是供销社的网点,实质上成为由供销社投资的个体户。笔者认为双代店是供销社的一个组成部分,主要任务是为农业生产、乡村企业和农民日常生活服务,个体商业不可能取代农村双代店,不应当让它继续萎缩下去。首先,要把双代店的性质确定下来,解决双代员的后顾之忧。大多数双代员以农为主,农忙仍然搞 In the past, the purchasing and marketing businesses of the two-generation stores in the grassroots supply and marketing cooperatives took up a certain proportion in the supply and marketing cooperatives at the grass-roots level, which exceeded the many roles played by the development of the supply and marketing cooperatives. By 1985, due to the rise of individual businesses, some generations of shops left the supply and marketing cooperatives themselves to purchase goods from the rest of the world instead of relying on their own income. In this regard, some grass-roots supply and marketing cooperatives take the method of withdrawing funds, letting go, some temporarily not to recover the cash flow, but on a monthly basis to the sales agency charge a certain percentage of management fees, so that Shisui is nominally the supply and marketing cooperatives Of outlets, in essence, by the supply and marketing cooperatives to invest in self-employed. The author believes that Shuangshengdian is an integral part of the supply and marketing cooperatives. Its main task is to serve the daily life of agricultural production, rural enterprises and peasants. Individual businesses can not replace Shuangshengdian in rural areas and should not let it shrink. First of all, we should determine the nature of the two generations of stores to solve the worries of the two generations of workers. Most of the two generations are mainly farmers, and farming is still busy
Changsha-The central govern-ment is urging provincial officials toprotect and expand the green belts intheir areas. Local officials were urged to putthe“green
我们在参加财务大检查工作中,发现有些单位购买的社会集团专控商品,没有把购买专控商品的审批条附在发票下面, When we participated in the financial inspection, we fou
婺州窑青瓷釉下彩绘工艺发展历史的概况  青瓷釉下彩绘是青瓷装饰工艺的其中一种。所谓青瓷釉下彩,即指在青瓷制作过程中,在瓷器坯胎上进行彩绘装饰后,再罩青釉或透明釉入窑一次烧成。采用这种工艺技术烧成的青瓷彩绘永不褪色,且环保,是当代日用生活和家居装饰的首选。青瓷釉下彩绘装饰工艺的发展源头最早可追溯到三国东吴时期。1983年江苏南京雨花台长岗村三国吴末墓葬中出土的青釉釉下彩盘口盖罐,通体采用褐黑彩料绘制