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目前农村代购代销店(以下简称双代店)购销额逐年下降,存在着不少的问题。我县现有双代店453个,占用基层社资金59万元。1985年1~9月双代店营业额为55万元,比上年同期减少28万元,按毛利率计算,可获毛利6.6万元。但要支付双代店各项费用7.6万元,收支相抵供销社要赔1万元左右。基层社对双代店的管理和监督普遍重视不够,没有专人过问这项工作。在农村市场开放后,有的双代店打眷供销社的招牌,利用供销社的资金大搞自购自销,偷税漏税,牟取暴利;有的搞假掺杂、短尺少秤,损害供销社的信誉;也有的双代员把铺底资金搞光了,无法向供销社交待,留下空屋,只身外逃。基层社要加强农村双代店监督和管理。首先,对现有双代店必须进行一次全面整顿,从盘点现 At present, the purchase and sale of rural purchasing outlets (hereinafter referred to as the two generations of shops) decline year by year, there are many problems. There are 453 double-generation shops in our county, accounting for 590,000 yuan of grassroots funds. From January to September 1985, the sales of Double Generation stores were 550,000 yuan, a decrease of 280,000 yuan over the same period of last year. According to the gross profit margin, the gross profit would be 66,000 yuan. However, to pay the two generations shop costs 76,000 yuan, balance of payments against the supply and marketing agency to pay about 10,000 yuan. Grass-roots agencies on behalf of the management and supervision of the two generations shop generally not enough attention, no person to ask this work. After the opening up of the rural market, some double-generation stores concerned about the signs of the supply and marketing cooperatives, making use of the funds of the supply and marketing cooperatives to make their own purchases and sales, evade tax evasion and make huge profits; and some engage in fake doping, The credibility of some of the other; some of the two agents put the bottom out of the funds, can not confess to the supply and marketing cooperatives, leaving empty houses, flight alone. Grass-roots social agencies to strengthen the supervision and management of rural areas. First of all, there must be a comprehensive rectification of the existing two-generation stores, from stocktaking