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快快餐业在中国兴起已不是一天、两天了,以快餐业为内容的新闻报道也已经历了若干轮次,如果还将快餐分成中洋两类,那么,显而易见的现象是:前者聚聚散散,起起伏伏,难成气候;后者稳扎稳打,大步扩展,雪球越滚越大。客观地说,从文化与商业等方面讲,中式快餐的确应该静下心来再好好端详一下自己了。 Fast food industry in China is not a day, two days, fast food industry as the content of the news reports have gone through several rounds, if the fast food is also divided into two types of foreign, then the obvious phenomenon is: the former gathered Scattered, ups and downs, difficult to climate; the latter steady, stride expansion snowball rolling bigger. Objectively speaking, from the aspects of culture and commerce, Chinese fast food should really stop to take a good look at yourself.
在洒席宴会上,时常可以看到这种情况,当主人或服务人员为客人斟酒或倒茶时,各人便用食指和中指的指头在桌子上轻轻敲击几下。这种轻敲桌子的举 It is often seen at sprink
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