Differences in MITF gene expression and histology between albino and normal sea cucumbers (Aposticho

来源 :Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jjjjjjj7
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Albino Apostichopus japonicus occur both in the wild and in captivity. The offspring of albino A. japonicus also suffer from albinism. The formation of melanin in the melanocytes is dependant on microphthalmia-associated transcription factor (MITF). To investigate the role of MITF in controlling albinism, we cloned the full-length MITF cDNA from A. japonicus and compared MITF mRNA expression in albino and normal A. japonicus. In addition, we used light and electron microscopy to compare histological samples of normal and albino A. japonicus. The body wall of albino adults was characterized by significantly lower levels of MITF expression and lower numbers of epidermal melanocytes, which also contained less melanin. In albino juvenile offspring, MITF expression levels were significantly lower 32 d after fertilization and there were fewer, and less developed, epidermal melanocytes. Thus, we conclude that albino A. japonicus have fewer melanocytes and a reduced ability to synthesize melanin, likely because of lower expression of MITF. The offspring of albino A. japonicus also suffer from albinism. The formation of melanin in the melanocytes is dependant on microphthalmia-associated transcription factor (MITF). To investigate the role of MITF in controlling albinism, we cloned the full-length MITF cDNA from A. japonicus and compared MITF mRNA expression in albino and normal A. japonicus. In addition, we used light and electron microscopy to compare histological samples of normal and albino A. japonicus. The body wall of albino adults was characterized by significantly lower levels of MITF expression and lower numbers of epidermal melanocytes, which also contained less melanin. In albino juvenile offspring, MITF expression levels were significantly lower 32 d after fertilization and there were less, and less developed Thus, we conclude that albino A. japonicus have fewer melanocytes and a reduced ability to synthesize melan in, likely because of lower expression of MITF.
今年六月份 ,笔者在北京四中高一 (4 )班进行了一次研究性学习的尝试 ,这次学习活动的主题是“巴以冲突探源及思考” ,在这次教学活动中 ,教师充分体会到与学生一起进行探究
摆的结构简单 ,生活中随处可见 ,在初、高中物理教学中都有重要的应用 .研究各类摆的运动规律 ,对拓宽师生的知识面和创新教育都有非常重要的意义 .摆的种类主要包括线类摆、
第一试一、选择题 (每小题 6分 ,共 3 6分 )1 对于一切实数x ,当实数a、b、c(a≠ 0 ,且a b)变化时 ,所有的二次函数 f(x) =ax2 +bx +c的值恒为非负数 ,则M =a +b +cb -a 的
帕斯卡是 17世纪法国数学家和物理学家 .他幼年就死了母亲 ,父亲精通数学 .受父亲的影响 ,他从小就聪明伶俐 ,善于思考 .帕斯卡自幼对数学有着浓厚的兴趣 ,12岁时就能独立地
物理学家取得重大的物理学发现 ,不仅需要勇于探索、不畏艰难的精神 ,正确科学方法的运用 ,而且还需要有创造性思维 .极端思维就是物理学家经常采用的一种重要创新思维 .顾名
许多人都希望自己有个好记性 ,尤其是在阅读中 ,若能过目不忘 ,那该是多么值得羡慕的本领 !到底有没有过目不忘的人 ?到底有没有记忆超群的人 ?当然有 ,有人甚至能按各种顺序
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1问题的提出 牛顿第二定律的教学,我们总是先用实验得到物体受一个力作用时,加速度的大小跟作用力成正比,跟物体的质量成反比;加速度的方向跟作用力的方向相同的结论,然后利