The Impact and Function of Formative Assessment on Students’ Attitude Change towards English Learni

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  【Abstract】Formative assessment, as a well-known measurement for improving learning in classroom, is increasingly being implemented through policy initiatives in Chinese educational contexts. As an approach to assessment, formative assessment derives many of its key principles from Western contexts. The point for this paper is how formative assessment impact and function on students’ attitude change towards English learning in vocational school in China.
  【Key words】impact; formative assessment; students’attitude; English learning
  【作者簡介】Shen Lan, Qiu Shifeng, Chengdu Univeristy.
  China Ministry of Education(CMOE)issued a guideline document for College English in 2007, that is, the English language teaching(ELT)programme for undergraduates majoring in subject areas other than English.The move to formative assessment resonated with a global trend in educational assessment that foregrounds formative assessment for the purpose of improved learning outcomes.This paper draws on a research study of the formative assessment initiative as it was realised at a vocational school and assessment practices.
  1. The definition of assessment and formative assessment
  Bachman defined assessment as “a process of collecting information about something that we are interested in, according to procedures that are systematic and substantially grounded”. Formative assessment, as Lewy confirmed, does not have a precise definition. Formative assessment takes place during learning and is aimed to help learning and teaching by giving appropriate feedback. Nitko named two purposes of formative assessment: (a) selecting or modifying learning procedures, and (b) choose the best remedies for improving weak points in learning and teaching. Gattullo characterized formative assessment as “(a) it is an ongoing multiphase process that is carried out on a daily basis through teacher–pupil interaction, (b) it provides feedback for immediate action, and (c) it aims at modifying teaching activities in order to improve learning processes and results.”. Most of classroom assessment is formative and students form their knowledge by analyzing and internalizing teachers’ comments.
  2. Formative assessment in diverse context
  Research shows that the enactment of formative assessment in classroom practices has been less than straightforward. Some UK teachers, for example, even supported with training, have been found implementing the principles of assessment for learning to the ‘letter’ rather than the ‘spirit’.That is, the teachers followed the prescribed procedures rather than organising their assessment practice using the principles.On other occasions, the principles were distorted so that ‘real and sustained learning was sacrificed to performance on a test’. In these cases it was found that feedback was given to students in order to target better performance on future tests.   Pryor and Crossouard describe formative assessment as ‘complex and tricky practices for both teachers and learners’, and suggest that teachers can move between ‘convergent’ and ‘divergent’ variations in practices. Carless too proposes that formative assessment in varied contexts can range from ‘restricted’ to ‘extended’ forms or from the ideal as prescribed in the international literature to less ideal but more contextually feasible variations. Davison and colleagues from the field of ELT propose a typology of possibilities for formative assessment practice in classrooms.
  3. Formative assessment and Learners’ Attitude
  Feedback is the central function of formative assessment. It typically involves a focus on the detailed content of what is being learnt, rather than simply a test score or other measurement of how far a student is falling shout of the expected standard. Formative assessment requires that learners have a central part in it, and it encourages positive motivational beliefs and self-esteem for the learners as well. Attitude is vital in learning and that it is attitude that fuels motivation emphasized that the right attitudes are necessary for effective language learning while Brown, stated that Attitude is a manifestation of a person’s favourable emotions and feelings towards something. Apart from realization of the importance of learning English as an international language, appropriate formative assessment, as an effective measurements, can enhance the learners’ positive attitude to English learning with continuous modification and improvement during the process.
  This study attempted to find out the relationship between formative assessment and students’ attitude change, function of formative assessment on students’ attitude change, the positive impact of formative assessment on students’ attitude towards learning English language.
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