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正当我们为自己“世界工厂”的地位而顾盼自雄时,近邻印度已在通往“世界办公室”的赛道上悄然“抢跑”——而这又是一场我们绝对不能输掉的比赛。 有人评价,加入WTO后,我国企业最大的风险不在于将直面国际企业的残酷竞争,而是对国际通行商业规则缺乏了解,“盲人骑瞎马”。如果我们能把“世界办公室”接回家,让世界商务运筹于自己帷幄(写字楼)之中,试想,还有什么规则不能掌握? 用友董事长王文京的观点似乎更具有穿透力:继上一轮全球制造业向具有成本优势的发展中国家转移的浪潮后,现在又出现了发达国家知识型服务产业向发展中国家转移的新浪潮,而抓住商业流程外包(BPO)的机会,把我国建成“世界办公室”,是一个历史性机遇。 上述两者的意义,任何一个,都不容我们在新的赛跑中有闪失。我们记者在采访过程中,尽管遇到了慕红云、王文京等“先觉者”,但还是遗憾地发现,无论是企业的嗅觉,还是政府的意识,我们都比印度落后了,换句话说,我们不仅参赛队员太少,连拉拉队的声音也不够响亮,甚至众人都还不太知道,在这场“世界办公室”的竞赛中,我们与印度、俄罗斯一起,被列为了种子选手。 呈现在读者面前的这组文章,不仅为参赛队员助威,也表达我们对“世界办公室”的企盼。 As we look forward to our own “world factory” status, our neighbor, India, has quietly “snatched” the track to the “World Office,” a game we can never lose. Some people have commented that after China's accession to the WTO, the biggest risk for Chinese enterprises lies not in the brutal competition that will confront international enterprises, but in the lack of understanding of internationally accepted commercial rules and “blind riding blind horse.” If we can take the “World Office” back home and let the world business plan into its own hands (offices), imagine what rules can not be mastered? The opinion of UF chairman Wang Wenjing seems more penetrating: After a wave of global manufacturing shift to cost-advantaged developing countries, there is a new wave of knowledge-based service industries in developed countries moving to developing countries. By grasping the opportunity of business process outsourcing (BPO) The establishment of a “world office” in our country is a historic opportunity. The significance of either of the above will not allow us to have a flaw in the new race. During the interview, our reporter met the “pioneers” such as Mu Hongyun and Wang Wenjing, but still found regrettably that we are lagging behind India in terms of both corporate sense of smell and government awareness. In other words, we Not only was the number of players too small, but the cheerleaders did not sound loud enough, and even people did not even know it. In the “World Office” competition, we were listed as seed players with India and Russia. The group of articles presented to readers not only cheered the team members, but also expressed our hope for the “World Office.”
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