
来源 :财政研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:AJGSUN
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一、提高消费服务社会化水平是扩大和促进就业及再就业工作的一个新思路全面建设小康社会和构建和谐社会,减少低收入和贫困群体,“三农”和城市困难群体的就业问题至为关键。尤其是“三农”问题,不仅仅是农民、农村、农业问题,它涉及城乡人民生产生活、就业、区域发展、市场建设、社会稳定等方方面面,事关大局,因而解决“三农”问题一直是经济工作的重中之重。从根本上解决“三农”问题,已成为中国现代化进程中最为艰难的任务。按照科学发展观的要求,解决新时期的“三农”问题,统筹城乡关系,要着眼解决制约农村和农业发展、农民增收的体制性和结构性矛盾,改革传统社会经济发展体制,大胆进行制度创新。 I. Raising the socialization level of consumer services is a new idea of ​​expanding and promoting employment and reemployment. Building a well-off society in an all-round way and building a harmonious society will reduce the number of low-income and impoverished groups. The employment problems of “agriculture, rural areas and farmers” The essential. In particular, the issue of “three rural issues” is not only a matter of peasants, rural areas and agriculture. It involves the production, livelihood, employment, regional development, market construction and social stability of urban and rural people, It is the top priority of economic work. To fundamentally solve the “three rural issues” has become the most difficult task in the process of China's modernization. In accordance with the requirements of the scientific concept of development, we must solve the problems concerning agriculture, rural areas and farmers in the new period and make overall plans for the relations between urban and rural areas by systematically and structurally contradicting the rural and agricultural development and farmers' incomes, reforming the traditional system of social economic development, and boldly implementing the system Innovation.
1.《Chinese Physics》,Vol.6,1986.(1)Measurement of projectile—like fragments produced by 80.6 MeV~(16)O and~(27)Al,p.80.Shell Wenqing (Institate of ModleFn Ph
从有关部门获悉,今后5年,山东省将着力加强电子信息、生物技术、新材料三大领域的创新,培植具有山东特色的高新技术产业。 在发展壮大电子信息产业方面,今后5年间,山东将以
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此十年非彼十年,营销领域的模式创新和服务创新将会更灵活、更走心。  中国企业营销经历了2002―2012年的十年黄金期,多数行业(如电视、手机、空调等)在销量上达到了历史的最高峰,这十年也被称为中国企业营销的“黄金十年”。未来中国企业的营销是否还有机会,是否还能重现百花齐放、百舸争流的黄金岁月?  答案是肯定的。因为,显而易见的是,未来中国的消费升级、主流换挡已经开始,结构调整、消费梯度流动过程中
一 论企业家与改制 何为企业家?著名的经济学家熊彼特有段著名的话:“正是企业家将生产要素(资本、劳动和技术)组织起来进行生产,并通过不断地创新改变其组织方式才带动了经