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提起做文摘编辑,一些人认为容易得很:不就是一把剪刀一瓶浆糊,剪剪贴贴,抄抄摘摘,发别家报刊发表过的现成文章吗?何难之有?当然,若只是信手拈来,随意摘点什么,五花八门,稀奇古怪,胡拼乱凑,倒也不难。只是这样的文摘刊物又怎么能有生命力?又怎么会赢得读者的喜爱呢? 常言道:不干不知道,干了才知晓。我以前一直做报纸编辑,也曾经有过上述想法。两年前当自己也做了文摘编辑后,亲身品尝了文摘编辑的甘苦,才真真切切感受到:要做好一个文摘编辑并非易事。 所谓文摘编辑难做,因为文摘编辑不仅要具备一般编辑所应具备的事业责任心,政治思想水平,业务工作能力和职业道德修养等等,还需具备两项较为过硬的功夫:一是鉴赏力,二是创造力。 鉴赏力,主要表现在编辑对时代变化有敏锐的目光;有领先于而不是落后于读者的时代意识;有对潜在市场的洞察力,有对大量作品的文化品质及其社会价值的识力。这种鉴赏力多发生于选摘稿件中。有些文摘刊物,由于编辑缺少鉴赏力,刊物思想内容缺乏一股撞击心灵的冲击力量,缺少耐人寻味的哲理,就像浅 Mentioning it easy is not a problem: some people think that it is easy to get an abstract: not a piece of scissors, a bottle of paste, a cut and paste, a copy of a copy, an off-the-shelf article published in another newspaper? Pick it up, pick what you like, a wide variety, bizarre, nonsense, it is not difficult. But how can such digest publications have vitality? And how to win the reader’s favorite? The saying goes: Do not do not know, did we know. I’ve been a newspaper editor before and I’ve had the same idea. Two years ago, when I had also made an abstracts editor, I personally experienced the bitterness of digest editors, I really felt: to do a digest editor is not easy. The so-called Digest editors difficult, because the Digest editors should not only have the general editor should have the sense of responsibility, political and ideological level, business skills and professional ethics, etc., also need to have two more excellent kung fu: First, appreciation Second, creativity. Appreciation, mainly manifested in the editors of a keen eye on the changes in the times; ahead of but not behind the reader’s awareness of the times; have insight into the potential market, there is a large number of works of cultural quality and social values ​​of the power. This kind of appreciation occurs in the selection of articles. Some digest publications, due to the lack of editorial editing, the publication of a lack of ideological impact on the impact of the soul, lack of thought-provoking philosophy, like shallow
跨国经营的企业为什么要联盟 80年代中后期迅速发展起来的企业国际化经营的“战略联盟”,主要有以下一些原因: 1.外部的市场条件日益国际化、全球化。技术进步太快,公司技术
如果你问一个姑娘,她人生中的第一件奢侈品是什么?答案多半是——包包。  在许多男士看来,这个答案或许有些匪夷所思,但女生基本都能心领神会。在她们眼里,包包是一种刚性需求,就像身体必不可少的一部分。如果这么表达听起来太抽象,那我们不妨通过数据来看看,女生究竟有多爱买包——  1.一项针对25~35岁女性对现阶段目标的调查显示,除去休假、旅游、减肥等非物质选项,超过50%的女性把购买一个好的包包作为近
据文献报道吡喹酮对犬的细粒棘球绦虫成虫的疗效达100%,而盐酸丁萘脒(Bunami-dine HCl)与从节片内分离的虫卵在体外37℃环境中作用2小时,则能抑制虫卵的感染性。本文报道上