Effects of oblique incidence on terahertz responses of planar split-ring resonators

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Effects of oblique incidence of terahertz waves on the response of planar split-ring resonators are investigated, both experimentally and by simulation. It is found that the incident angle dependent phase delay and coupling conditions of neighboring split-ring resonator(SRR) units play important roles and greatly change both the transmission and reflection spectra for the resonant feature of linear charge oscillations. Our results show that the SRR structure-supported magnetoelectric couplings at oblique excitation are trivial and can be ignored. A highly symmetric response is found in the cross-polarization effects, which may manifest the bianisotropic properties of the SRR system but this needs further study. Effects of oblique incidence of terahertz waves on the response of planar split-ring resonators are investigated, both experimentally and by simulation. It is found that the incident angle dependent phase delay and coupling conditions of neighboring split-ring resonator (SRR) units play important roles and greatly change both the transmission and reflection spectra for the resonant feature of linear charge oscillations. Our results show that the SRR structure-supported magnetoelectric couplings at oblique excitation are trivial and can be ignored. A highly symmetric response is found in the cross- polarization effects, which may manifest the bianisotropic properties of the SRR system but this needs further study.
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