Correlation between dark current RTS noise and defects for AlGaInP multiple-quantum-well laser diode

来源 :Journal of Semiconductors | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bao302
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The correlation model between dark current RTS noise and defects for AlGaInP multiple-quantum-well laser diode is derived. Experimental results show that dark current RTS noise caused carrier number fluctuations at the interface of the heterojunction in the active region. According to this correlation model,the defect types are determined,and the defects’ energy levels are quantitatively determined. The corner frequency of RTS noise power spectral density is analyzed. The experimental results are in good agreement with the theoretical. This result provided an effective method for estimating the deep-level traps in the active region of AlGaInP multiple quantum well laser diode. The correlation model between dark current RTS noise and defects for AlGaInP multiple-quantum-well laser diode is derived. Experimental results show that dark current RTS noise caused carrier number fluctuations at the interface of the heterojunction in the active region. According to this correlation model The defect types are determined, and the defects’ energy levels are quantitatively determined. The corner frequency of RTS noise power spectral density is analyzed. The experimental results are in good agreement with the theoretical. This result provides an effective method for estimating the deep -level traps in the active region of AlGaInP multiple quantum well laser diode.
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