
来源 :中州煤炭 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:healthborn
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为预防煤矿井下用架线式电机车运送人员或在架线下作业时,发生触电事故,《煤矿安全规程》规定,架空线必须设分段开关,人员上下车时,必须切断该区段架空线的电源,以确保上下车人员的安全。根据这一规定,我们研制成功了架线电机车区段网路电源自动控制器、经试验情况证明,它的工作稳定可靠,线路简单,制作容易。对于经常有人员工作的溜煤眼和平时少有机车去的支巷架空线,也非常适用。这一装置的研制成功,为矿山安全生产,带来了很大的方便。 此装置安装在乘人车场,溜煤眼附近和支巷的架空线上,平时该区段架空线路处于停电状态,人员可以在此地区安全工作和上下车。当有机车开来时,可预先发出 In order to prevent electric shock accidents when carrying overhead line electric vehicles in coal mines or working under wires, the Coal Mine Safety Regulations stipulate that the overhead lines must be provided with a section switch. When a person gets on and off the vehicle, he must cut off the overhead Line power to ensure the safety of passengers on and off. According to this regulation, we have successfully developed an automatic controller for overhead line power supply of overhead line locomotive. The test proves that its work is stable and reliable, the circuit is simple and the production is easy. It is also very suitable for the overpass line where there are few locomotives that often have personnel to work and rarely locomotives go down. The successful development of this device has brought great convenience to mine safety production. This device is installed in the passenger car yard, near the coal sliver and overpass overhead lines, usually overhead section of the section in a power outage, staff can work safely in this area and get on and off. When a motorcycle comes out, it can be issued in advance
煤炭部技术发展司于1982年11月22日在安徽淮南矿务局谢二矿召开了BC钻装机技术鉴定会,参加会议的代表有煤炭、机械、冶金、铁道兵等系统的38个单位共87名。 BC钻装机是由煤
一种铸铁球用水淬火新工艺最近在首钢迁安矿区试验成功.这一科研新成果是该矿热处理工程师李树生等四位同志经过近一年的刻苦攻关获得的. 多年来,这个矿的选厂磨矿介质一直
采矿工程通用设备有限公司已研制出一种只用几分钟时间就对井下巷道进行有效密封的装置(见图)。预科该装置有三种基本用途: Mining Engineering General Equipment Co., Lt
冶金部有色金属采矿情报网1983年情报交流及工作会议于1983年4月在成都召开,到会的有98个单位(其中成员单位72个)、141名代表. Ministry of Metallurgical Industry Nonfer
The correlation model between dark current RTS noise and defects for AlGaInP multiple-quantum-well laser diode is derived. Experimental results show that dark c