
来源 :沈阳药科大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Ghost_D
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目的分析、阐述医院门诊药房的药患纠纷,努力防范药患纠纷,提高药学服务质量。方法结合自身在门诊药房多年的工作经历,从现实存在的问题分析药患纠纷产生的特点、原因和根源,并提出防范药患纠纷的措施。结果与结论防止医院门诊药房药患纠纷的发生是一项任重而道远的工作,医院药学工作者正在提出各种设想或者采取措施,以期逐步降低门诊药房药患纠纷的发生率。无论采取任何措施,药师在平时的工作中都应该坚持“以病人为中心,以质量为核心,服务至上”原则。提高药房窗口服务质量,改善服务态度,为患者提供高效、优质的服务,减少或防止药患纠纷。铸就和谐的医患、药患关系对医院的长远健康发展大有裨益。医院管理者应加强制度建设,制订应急措施,提高服务质量,防范药患纠纷。 Objective To analyze and explain the disputes of drug outbreaks in the outpatient pharmacy, try to prevent drug disputes and improve the quality of pharmacy services. Methods Based on many years of working experience in outpatient pharmacy, this paper analyzes the characteristics, causes and causes of drug disputes from the existing problems and puts forward the measures to prevent drug disputes. Results and Conclusion Preventing drug outbreaks in hospital outpatient pharmacies is a long way to go. Hospital pharmacy workers are putting forward various ideas or taking measures to gradually reduce the incidence of drug outbreaks in outpatient pharmacies. No matter take any measures, pharmacists in usual work should adhere to the principle of “patient-centered, quality-oriented, service-oriented.” Improve pharmacy window service quality, improve service attitude, provide patients with efficient and quality services, reduce or prevent drug disputes. The harmonious relationship between doctors and patients and the relationship between medicine and suffering greatly benefit the long-term healthy development of the hospital. Hospital administrators should strengthen system construction, formulate emergency measures, improve service quality and prevent drug disputes.
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