The origin of a novel kind of reassortant (H1N2) of influenza A virus

来源 :Science in China(Series C:Life Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:njbbbb
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Genetic analysis of three H1N2 viruses indicated that only HA genes of H1N2 viruses were similar to that of A/Guangdong/6/91(H1N1) virus (PR8-like strain), while the other seven genes of them were similar to those of H3N2 virus circulating in man in 1995. Therefore, it could be considered that the H1N2 viruses were derived from reassortment between PR8-like strain and H3N2 virus circulating in man in 1995. However, the genomes of H1N2 viruses were very similar to each other. So the H1N2 viruses isolated in 1998 were not derived from new reassortment between PR8-like strain and H3N2 virus circulating in man in 1998, but derived from the evolution of H1N2 virus found in 1995. Genetic analysis of three H1N2 viruses indicated that only HA genes of H1N2 viruses were similar to that of A / Guangdong / 6/91 (H1N1) virus (PR8-like strain), while the other seven genes of them were similar to those of H3N2 virus circulating in man in 1995. Thus, it could be considered that the H1N2 viruses were derived from reassortment between PR8-like strain and H3N2 virus circulating in man in 1995. However, the genomes of H1N2 viruses were very similar to each other. So the H1N2 viruses isolated in 1998 were not derived from new reassortment between PR8-like strain and H3N2 virus circulating in man in 1998, but derived from the evolution of H1N2 virus found in 1995.
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