
来源 :大众投资指南 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qingkonglanglang
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财务管理是企业生产经营管理的重要组成部分。随着现代企业管理思想的快速变化,尤其是基于互联网技术的管理理念、管理方法的不断丰富,传统财务管理理念和方法日益与企业生产经营发展之间的差距越来越大。因此,在现代企业财务管理中,要紧密与互联网技术结合起来,将传统的财务管理理念和方法与现代信息技术充分结合起来,提高企业财务管理水平,为企业的发展壮大打下良好基础。本文就“互联网+”背景下的企业财务管理进行探讨,并就如何加强和改进“互联网+”背景下的企业财务管理提出建议,以供实际工作参考。 Financial management is an important part of production and operation management. With the rapid changes of modern business management ideas, especially the management concepts and management methods based on Internet technology, the gap between the traditional concepts and methods of financial management and the development of enterprises’ production and management has become increasingly larger. Therefore, in the modern enterprise financial management, we must closely combine with the Internet technology, the traditional financial management concepts and methods fully integrated with modern information technology, improve the level of corporate financial management, and lay a good foundation for the development and growth of enterprises. This paper discusses the enterprise financial management under the background of “Internet + ”, and puts forward suggestions on how to strengthen and improve the enterprise financial management under the background of “Internet + ” for practical reference.
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
大咯血是呼吸系统急症之一 ,内科保守多不能奏效 ,急诊外科治疗风险大 ,病死率也很高[1] 。我院自 1992年开展支气管动脉栓塞术以来 ,共治疗大咯血病人 4 8例 ,报道如下。1 