Evaluation about“reading,writing,and assistive technology: an integrated developmental curriculum fo

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  【Abstract】We firstly introduces the content and idea of Ellen’s essay, gathering according materials searching on internet, then make concerning critical evaluation.
  【Key words】Assistive technology; content; merits; disadvantages
  1.Main content
  Firstly, Ellen Urquhart Engstrom introduced reading and writing situation of students in America, pointing out existing problems.Then, he comes up with the merits of assistive technology, supporting the combination of sound instructional strategies with assistive technology helped students make gains beyond what they had achieved previously.Lastly, he proves the efficiency of the integrating lessons by two real cases studies—Mark and Bob in Landmark universities.
  2.Basic concept、significance and problems under comparison
  From perspective of basic concept, in 1808, Pellegrino Turri of Italy built the first typewriter for his blind friend to help her write legibly.To date, assistive technology makes it possible for a person to access computer technology who would be severely limited.In the essay, from assistive technology application, Ellen focuses on the impact of assistive technology on students’ cognition education.Actually, the function of assistive technology involves various fields, physical disability and cognitive limitations.Other essays also explain the application of assistive technology in special education: Gerber (1994) discussed about older people, physical disabled individuals, and normal students.Many other scholars also proved the efficiency of assistive technology in classroom.Peterson-Karlan (2008) has concluded three usage of assistive technology for learning : (a) Plan and organize t (b) Draft and transcribe (c) Edit and revise.Bedford and laurie (2005) express assistive technology supporting role for disabled adults.Of course, other scholars also raises different ideas.For example, Ravneberg (2012) and Phillips (1993) come up abandonment of assistive technology problems.It reminds us if Ellen also attempt to dig some problems of assistive technology, the essay will be more valuable.In following evaluation, we will discuss some problems.
  3.Merits and Disadvantages
  There are a few creative points in this essay.For new software, Ellen’s article advocates new technology originally used for people who have physical disabilities to students who have cognitive disabilities.For socially emotion, the author reveals we need to create fair environment and more opportunities for cognitive disabled person.   However, there are also weaknesses.Firstly, three of eight students taking part in the courses left school early, it suggests assistive technology can’t solve the problems about motivation.Hence, we should note this disadvantage of assistive technology, mechanically not perfectly.In the process of proving the efficiency of assistive technology in integrating classes, the author only uses the narrative essay “Dyslexic CEO” as analytic case, it is not persuasive enough, because some other types of essays should also be presented properly.In addition, Ellen affirms assistive technology the role of scaffold for students who have cognitive disabilities in writing and reading.But, scaffold doesn’t mean independence.When students reached good level after the software presents the structure of the paragraphs for readers, the software itself should gradually simplify the structure of the essay and let students have ability to learn independently finally rather than merely depend on assistive technology all the time.Marks and Montgomery (2006) also express the necessity of cultivating the independence in applying assitive technology into the writing course.In this sense, Ellen just proves the efficiency of the integrating courses based on assistive technology in simple way instead of in various respects, ignoring to dig something what we need to pay attention to.
【Abstract】This paper presents the view that linguistic competence isn’t equal to communicative competence.language and culture are closely related to each other.Language learning is not only the proce
【摘要】中式英语是英语写作中的一种客观存在。它存在于本科生、高职生英语文本中。本文通过对西安翻译学院高职英语专业大二学生写作文本的研究,试图从词汇、句法、语篇等层面找出中式英语在写作中的表现特征,分析其原因,并提出避免中式英语现象的策略,旨在帮助高职生在写作中避免运用中式英语,从而提高高职生的英语写作水平。  【关键词】高职生 英语写作 中式英语 现象 策略  引言  目前,各高职院校对口语教学比
他静静地坐在那儿,等着。他的背轻轻地靠在椅背上,摆在桌子上的双手交叉成金字塔的形状。他的眼睛盯着墙上的单向透明镜,冲透过镜子向里监视的警察微笑着,想要他们看到他的自信和优势。  侦探马库斯·奎尔坐在桌子对面,仔细打量着这个被拘押的犯罪嫌疑人。那种想要证明自己是最坚强的、能够控制住自己的表情,他见过无数次了。每次看到嫌疑人表现出这种妄想的心态,试图把自己当成审讯室的主人时,奎尔都会忍不住想笑。  奎
【Abstract】Needs analysis is an important link in the process of course designs,and it is the important basis for teachers to organize teaching and evaluate teaching results.Based on the theory of need
【摘要】文章通过分析目前旅游英语教学过程存在的主要问题,并结合笔者在教学改革过程当中的实践经验,浅谈对高职旅游英语课程改革思考。  【关键词】旅游英语 课程改革 实践  一、引言  改革开放后,我国旅游行业得到了迅猛发展,随之而来的是旅游人才大量缺乏。2011年发布的《海南省旅游人才发展状况调研报告》(简称《报告》)指出,在未来10年,海南旅游行业人才需求缺口超过20万人。各大院校的旅游英语专业如
【摘要】文章立足于小学英语教学中的哑巴英语现象,提出论题:说出来的英语才是真正的英语。论述了小学英语教学中,口语训练的主要策略:激发兴趣,爱说英语;情景创设,多说英语,使“说”英语成为一种习惯。  【关键词】小学英语 口语 兴趣  “兴趣是最好的老师”、“兴趣是学习之母”。新课程标准也把兴趣的激发放在首位,强调了兴趣在英语学习中的作用。下面从兴趣的激发、情境的创设等方面论述激发学生说英语的积极性,
【摘要】探索型實践是由英国著名语言学家Dick Allwright在行动研究的基础上提出的,其宗旨在于理解课堂生活质量。该理论在国内外的影响正逐步扩大,探索型实践使教师的教学生涯变得更加有内涵,教师能从根本上转变对教学的态度,使自己的职业能力得到可持续发展。本文首先介绍了探索型实践的内涵,随后从交际层面对其作进一步的探讨。  【关键词】探索型实践 生活质量 交际层面 教师发展  一、引言  “探索
笔者在学习习主席的重要讲话时发现,习大大妙语连珠,古诗文、大白话交想呼应;通俗的比喻、文艺的排比相映成趣。再对照英文译文进行鉴赏、学习,发现译文既准确地传递出了原文的信息、韵味,又照顾到国外受众的思维习惯和语言习惯,对文中逻辑关系的把握和处理更是可圈可点,做得非常到位。  本文试以习主席在蒙古国、塔吉克斯坦以及亚太经合组织第二十二次领导人非正式会议上的闭幕式上发表的重要讲话为例,从中英两种语言的语
【摘要】中西方由于历史发展、文化风俗以及地理位置等差异,导致其文化也存在巨大的差异。在我国英语教学中,学生了解西方文化对学好英语具有关键作用,其对学生的英语文化分析以及英语运用能力提高都具有重要意义。本文主要针对《跨文化大学英语教学:理论与实践》一书进行评价和分析,希望给予我国教育行业以参考和借鉴。  【关键词】文化差异 跨文化大学英语教学 理论与实践 评价  每种语言都代表了一种文化载体,而不同
【摘要】高职英语教育专业学生的创业教育存在创业课程设置、创业政策、创业实践、创业考评等方面需改进的现状,本文以宜春市为例对高职英语教育专业学生的创业教育进行分析,力图探寻完善高职英语教育专业学生创业教育的对策。  【关键词】高职英语教育专业 创业教育 宜春市  随着高职创业教育的发展,高职英语创业教育虽然在近几年得到了从中央到地方更多的重视,但在地方院校,就以宜春市为例的高职英语教育专业学生创业教