
来源 :饲料研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wulanshaobu911
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我市属于湖区水乡,有丰富的小水产资源。随着人们生活水平的不断提高,对小水产的开发利用越来越广泛,但是小水产约有10%的不可食部分,成了垃圾,污染了环境。据粗略统计,我市三大菜市场加工黄鳝后剩的头、尾、肠及骨刺每天不下500公斤。这样大批量的下脚料被遗弃,一则影响卫生,污染环境,二则把宝贵的动物蛋白浪费实属可惜。为了减少污染,开发资源,起到示范作用,笔者在1987年5月20日购进本地江汉 The city belongs to the lake area water, rich in small aquatic resources. With the continuous improvement of people’s living standards, development and utilization of small-scale aquatic products are becoming more and more widespread. However, about 10% of the small-scale aquatic products are inedible and have become garbage and pollute the environment. According to rough statistics, the city’s three major markets eel left after the head, tail, intestine and spur of the day no less than 500 kilograms. Such a large amount of waste was abandoned, one affecting health and polluting the environment, and the other was a pity for the waste of precious animal protein. In order to reduce pollution, develop resources, play a model role, the author bought on May 20, 1987 Jianghan
Inflammatory bowel diseases(IBD) comprise the two major entities Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis and endoscopic imaging of the gastrointestinal tract ha
<正> 近年来,随着对虾养殖事业的发展,尤其在高密度精养的情况下,聚缩虫(Zoothamnium sp)对发展生产的危害已引起了人们极大的关注。聚缩虫是对虾养殖中最为常见的原生动物,
Ⅱ.4. 其他种类种群特征和种群数量变动规律 Ⅱ.4.1. 鲐鱼 据调查研究的结果,鲐鱼可分为东海种群和闽粤东种群,前者种群数量远超后者。现就两个种群的越冬场、产卵场、索饵
介绍周期变换器的控制方法,并提出周期变换器控制电动机的三种方法。详细讨论了双馈电动机的启动方法。 The control method of the cycle converter is introduced, and thr
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一、情感教学的设计设计情境是进行情感教学的前提,如何设计它,须认真对待。否则,情感教学就不能正确地贯彻和很好地实施。我们在设计中,要把握原则,明确环节,注重效能。 1