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初中英语教师的作业布置是学生的一种巩固复习的途径。课堂分为课上和课下,课上需要听讲的效率,而课下就是作业的完成。初中生的自主学习能力还不是很强,对知识重点的把握不够准确,教师起着一个引导的作用,教师所布置的作业,需要根据学生的学习情况,有目的性的布置。不能出现浪费了时间却没有成效的情况。让学生在完成作业的过程中体会自主学习,提高学生的知识和创造力。一、布置听说作业,提高综合能力 The placement of junior high school English teachers is a way for students to consolidate the review. Class is divided into classes and classes, the class needs to listen to the efficiency, and class is the completion of homework. Junior high school students ’self-regulated learning ability is not yet very strong, and they are not accurate enough to grasp the key points of knowledge. Teachers play a guiding role. The assignments arranged by teachers need to be purposefully arranged according to students’ learning situations. There can be no waste of time but no result. Allow students to complete their homework in the process of self-learning, improve student knowledge and creativity. First, arrange listening and speaking homework, improve comprehensive ability
民以食为天。下面这些我们常吃的东西,你吃对了吗?1.Oreos奥利奥饼干Use a fork to dunk your Oreos with-out getting your fingers wet.用叉子把奥利奥浸到牛奶里,这样就不
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目的探讨重组人p53腺病毒(recombinant human p53 adenovirus,rAd-p53)在脊柱转移瘤的治疗中的近期疗效。方法 2006年6月2009年8月,以经皮注射rAd-p53联合放疗及单独放疗方法
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Objective:The aims of this study were to evaluate potential side effects of 18F-fluoroerythronitroimidazole (18F-FETNIM) as a new-type hypoxia-imaging agent and