Discussion on college students’English Reading Skills

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  【Abstract】Students are exposed to a growing amount of vocabularies and knowledge as they step into higher grades, while seem to have little improvement in their reading ability and no alternative means to realize their reading goals. Improving the English reading skills is very important for students as reading enjoys a huge ratio in an English exam paper. Talking about reading, we can not ignore these facts: reading materials, reading speed and reading skills. The followings analyzed are some common skills applied to reading-intensive reading and extensive reading as well as the obstacles that may be met while reading.
  【Key words】English; reading skills; intensive reading; extensive reading
  1. Introduction
  With the development of our society, English has a growing application in various fields. The English reading, as a major means to understand and absorb language information, is always a main question type to reflect students’ English ability, sharing a big ration in the English test in college entrance examination. There are two major obstacles to be overcome before realizing such goals effectively.
  2. Two obstacles of the English reading
  2.1 Obstacle one: lack of the culture background of the English country
  Cultural background is a potential obstacle for fluent reading. It is difficult to conclude a judgment in the situation where not knowing the culture background of English-speaking countries. Sometimes, students lacking of background knowledge of a country, are struggling to understand the reading material. So reading extensively is a great help to resolve such trouble.
  2.2 Obstacle two: short of the reading skill
  English reading is a necessary way up to higher English ability. And improving the reading ability is the major part and hardship for students from middle school in English learning and big hit in recent college entrance examination. Many questions in the English test in recent years can be included into the category of reading, which shares a very big ratio of total grades. Meanwhile, some other questions also examine students’ reading ability, but indirectly, like the “gap filling” part, which can be only completed based on the understanding of whole sentences instead of using the only tools of vocabulary and grammar.
  3. two strategy of the English reading
  3.1 intensive reading
  Reading methods can be divided into two types, also known as the intensive reading and extensive reading. Intensive reading refers to reading intensively and profoundly. Intensive reading is applied to the text teaching class aiming to master the language knowledge and train for basic skills, like the use of some main words, sentence patterns as well as grammars. Materials for the intensive reading need to be read loudly and important sentences used among which need to be recited to develop the sense of English.   3.2 extensive reading
  Extensive reading refers to reading extensively and exposing widely to various books in different fields, is a method to read widely aiming at improving reading skills and reading speed as well as the accuracy of understanding. The following ideas can be considered to improve students’ reading speed: firstly, cultivate a manner of extensive reading by setting a specific goal in the amount you will read everyday like one essay for each day, that is about three hundred essays for a year. Secondly, have the manner to read in a given time in or off class. Fifteen minutes is suitable for each time of reading, or record the time needed for one essay. The reading amount can not be overloaded for students each time, meanwhile the reading speed can be raised before next time of reading.
  4. Conclusion
  For the students and English fans, it is far less enough to be equipped with proper reading manners and reading methods as well as reading skills without combination of those to the long term reading practices. Only with such combination can the three major obstacles be solved and English reading ability be improved effectively and fast.
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【摘要】针对现存的有些小学中高年级英语课堂效率低下、学生接受新知识缓慢等问题,本文作者从自身教学经验出发,对小学中高年级英语高效课堂的组织进行了初步的探究和分析。  【关键词】监督 预习 互动 听课效率 随堂小测  小学中高年级是学习英语知识的关键阶段,因此组织这一阶段学生英语的高效课堂十分重要,而现阶段仍有许多英语课堂中存在学生对英语感知力低、接受和理解英语知识速度慢以及课堂听讲效率不佳等问题。
一个团队要想决胜千里之外,必须拥有智慧,方能运筹帷幄,一个团队必须学会合作,才能齐心协力,互帮互助,正所谓人心齐,泰山移,初三的学习和复习老师们总是觉得时间不够用,学生总是觉得枯燥、漫长,因此必须要有一些独门秘籍,锦囊妙计,才能激励学生,取得实效。  首先我先来讲讲智慧,这也是重中之重。初三的教学我觉得主要是做好一个334的问题,抓好三种主要课型、抓好三轮复习、掌握四个不同题型的应对策略。  进入
【摘要】随着素质化教育和新课程改革进程的不断深入,学校和教师越来越清楚地意识到学生在课堂的主体性地位。英语课程作为初中教育中重要组成部分,不仅能够培养学生良好语言知识运用能力,更可以提升学生交际水平。在实际教学过程中,教师应根据学生认知特点,不断创新教学理念,通过以读促写的教学方式,促进学生健康发展。本文以《新课标英语》读写课为例,重点探讨以读促写的初中英语写作教学实践。  【关键词】素质化教育
【摘要】初中英语教学过程中,让学生对英语知识学习充满兴趣,是提升课堂教学效果的关键,这也是初中英语教师必须把握的一个重点问题。文章在对初中英语教学问题探究过程中,围绕“英语小班化”教学展开论述,将英语小班化教学模式更好地与初中英语教学进行结合,以提升初中生英语学习成绩。  【关键词】初中英语 英语小班化 教学优势  随着社会经济的快速发展,教育问题的关注度不断提升,在这样的背景环境下,如何做好教育
【摘要】随着社会政治,经济,文化的发展,人们生活节奏的不断加快,互联网的不断普及,新词新语大量出现,极大丰富了汉语的词汇体系。本文拟从三大角度分析新词新语产生发展的原因。本文将以Duang为例,以点带面,让读者能够对于新词新语的产生发展理解更深刻。  【关键词】新词新语 产生发展 Duang  引言  2015年2月26日,微信朋友圈被Duang刷屏,接着微信公众号,企业,媒体看到了营销的噱头便纷
【摘要】在新课标中,明确指出“听,说,读,写”是学生需要掌握的四项基本技能。在小学英语课堂教学中,练习是至关重要的一个环节,也是全面完成英语教学任务必不可少的重要手段。一堂课的练习,最终是起到事半功倍,还是事倍功半的效果,大有学问。  【关键词】练习 多样化 有效性  小学生的年龄特点决定了小学英语课堂的特殊化,不能一味的讲授,会失去趣味性;或只求课堂气氛活跃轻松,一堂课下来,华而不实,达不到预设
【摘要】在如今信息化发展日益迅速的现状下,给各个社会层次带来了一定程度的冲击,同时也出现了一些方面改革的机遇。在小学英语的教学中也出现了新的教学方式,需要英语教师结合网络环境的特点不断地创新自己的教学方式,及时更新自己的教学观念,从而丰富教学过程,优化教学质量。  【关键词】信息化 小学 英语 网络环境 教学  二十一世纪是信息化的时代,网络在我们生活和工作、学习中出现的越来越频繁,在教育中也出现
留学生眼中的德国教育是怎么样的?德国教育与中国教育之间有哪些异同?笔者对在德国接受高中教育的李明同学进行了采访,现将采访录音整理刊发如下:  笔者:你刚来德国的时候,在学业上最大的感触是什么呢?  李明:最大的感触就是语言。虽然来德国前,有报新东方的德语班,学了三个月,每天学习六小时。来到德国后,有请一位德语老师,每周上两个小时。虽然和同学们在日常交流上能够听懂,但是在课上基本一个字都听不懂。当时