Border Tax Adjustments(BTAs):for Climate Protection or as a Barrier to Trade?

来源 :Contemporary International Relations | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lvjjvl
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1 Introduction As the target commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol nears its end,further measures are under consideration by all the parties to the UNFCCC to have effective emission reductions that will not damage the economy.In order to set a post-2012 emission reduction target,an individual party as a player in the climate game requires others to make comparable commitments for reasons of environmental effectiveness and 1 Introduction As the target commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol nears its end, further measures are under consideration by all the parties to the UNFCCC to have effective emission reductions that will not damage the economy.In order to set a post-2012 emission reduction target , an individual party as a player in the climate game requires others to make comparable allow for reasons of environmental effectiveness and
2000年是世纪交替之年 ,也是“九五”计划的最后一年 ,我们即将进入新的世纪并实施我国经济社会发展的第三步战略目标。今后一段时期房地产市场工作能否做好 ,不仅关系到房地产市
【摘要】随着中国良好国际形象的不断提升,外宣翻译作为跨文化传播的方式已变的尤为重要。本研究从兰州市外宣翻译的现状出发,在跨文化传播的前提下切入外宣翻译研究,并探讨跨文化文本分层重构体系,从而创建更具可读性、可接受性的外宣媒介,便于中国乃至世界更好地了解“新兰州”。  【关键词】跨文化传播 外宣翻译 文本重构  随着中国良好国际形象的不断提升,外宣翻译作为跨文化传播的方式已变的尤为重要。本文主要针对
经过国际权威认证机构严格的正式审核 ,北京城市热点资讯有限公司于 2 0 0 3年 4月底顺利通过ISO90 0 1(2 0 0 0版 )国际质量体系认证 ,成为国内宽带计费领域率先通过ISO90 0
本文首先定义了公共交通网络(简称公交网络),然后讨论了公交网络路径存在的充分必要条件,在此基础上提出计算网络路径的算法,最后给出了一个计算实例。 In this paper, we f