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从Hopkinson效应及X光衍射技术研究了Fe(73.5)Cu(1.0)Nb(3.0)Si(13.5)B9纳米软磁合金的居里温度特性。随晶化退火温度Ta的提高,合金中αFe-Si纳米晶相的居里温度提高,但低于相同Si含量下的常规Fe-Si合金,且与显微组织结构有关,当Ta较低时,合金中非晶相的居里温度与原始非晶合金基本相同。但其Hopeinson峰宽化,Ta>783K后,其Hopkinson4消失,无法判断居里温度。认为居里温度的上述特性与合金晶粒的小尺寸特性及元素成分分布特性有关。 The Curie temperature characteristics of Fe (73.5) Cu (1.0) Nb (3.0) Si (13.5) B9 nano-soft magnetic alloys were investigated by Hopkinson effect and X-ray diffraction. With the increase of crystallization annealing temperature Ta, the Curie temperature of the αFe-Si nanocrystalline phase in the alloy increases, but it is lower than that of the conventional Fe-Si alloy with the same Si content, and is related to the microstructure. When Ta is low , The Curie temperature of the amorphous phase in the alloy is basically the same as that of the original amorphous alloy. However, its Hopeinson peak is broadened. After Ta> 783K, its Hopkinson4 disappears and the Curie temperature can not be judged. The above characteristics of the Curie temperature are believed to be related to the small size characteristics of the alloy grains and the distribution of the elemental composition.
台湾省的铝板冷轧机将安装戴维系统21板形仪与测厚仪据德刊《铝》1、2月份合刊报道,台湾省中M公司(chinaSteelCorporation)所属的铝业公司(AluminiumDivision)于今年初向英国戴维公司订购一套可自动调控铝带材平直度与厚... A
世纪之交的龙年 ,辽宁国有经济这条巨龙高高昂起了头。连续亏损长达57个月的国有工业 ,在去年一举实现扭亏为盈。辽宁国有经济崛起的动力从何而来 ,今后又将如何发展 ,巨龙抬头
方寸大小的邮票,不仅仅作为邮资凭证,它既是一个国家政治、经济发展的综合反映,又有其复杂的文化现象。 中国的邮票历史 中国邮票的产生比最先使用邮票的英国晚了近40年。鸦
Magnaporthe oryzae has been used as a primary model organism for investigating fungus-plant interaction. Many researches focused on molecular mechanisms of appr
95—024 单羧基酰胺衍生物缓蚀剂本文研究了由2—支链单羧酸和无环多乙烯多胺得到的取代酰胺的防腐性能。这些缓蚀剂可用于汽油—甲醇掺合物中。单羧基酰胺衍生物缓蚀剂... 95-02