Product Innovation in High-tech SMEs:A Case Study of Weili Electronics Co.,Ltd

来源 :Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dwwn123456
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Product innovation is an important strategy for high-tech firms,especially for small and medium enterprises.This paper proposes that the technological strategies for SMEs are dynamic and during different phase,there is different innovation strategy which leads to various market performances.In particular,through the case study of Weili Electronics Co.,Ltd,we find that organizational learning abilities play a fundamental role in strategic decision.In addition,the frameworks for the determinants of technological strategies in three stages are established to illustrate the evolutionary processes of product innovation in Weili Electronics Co.,Ltd. Product innovation is an important strategy for high-tech firms, especially for small and medium enterprises.This paper Proponent that the technological strategies for SMEs are dynamic and during different phase, there is different innovation strategy which leads to various market performances.In particular, through the case study of Weili Electronics Co., Ltd, we find that organizational learning abilities play a fundamental role in strategic decision. In addition, the frameworks for the determinants of technological strategies in three stages are established to illustrate the evolutionary processes of product innovation in Weili Electronics Co., Ltd.
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