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“总政话剧团创作道路理论研讨会”于2月12日——15日在北京召开,这次会议由中国艺术研究院话剧研究所、中国话剧艺术研究会和解放军总政话剧团联合召开。新春伊始,来自全国的专家学者和戏剧家济济一堂,就总政话剧团的创作,尤其是近年来的创作成果展开了热烈的讨论,对于他们的创作经验给予了很高的评价。有关方面领导李准、赵寻、曲润海、李希凡、刘晓江、吴雪等到会祝贺并作了发言。参加会议的著名艺术家、理论家及各大军区文艺团体代表共80余人。总政话剧团已逾不惑之年。40年来,话剧团硕果累累,演出剧目200余出,其中有自创剧目100多 The Symposium on the Road Theory of the General Political Repertory Theater was held in Beijing from February 12 to February 15, and was jointly held by the Theater Research Institute of the China Academy of Art, the China Drama Research Association and the PLA General Political Repertory Theater. At the beginning of the new year, experts and scholars from all over the country gathered together for a heated discussion on the creation of the General Political Repertory Theater, especially in recent years, and spoke highly of their creative experiences. Li Zhun, Zhao Xun, Qu Runhai, Li Xifan, Liu Xiaojiang and Wu Xue, leaders of relevant departments, will congratulate and make speeches. More than 80 famous artists, theorists and representatives from various military and cultural groups in the military attended the conference. General Administration Repertory Theater has more than a year of confusion. 40 years, the drama group fruitful, more than 200 performances repertoire, of which more than 100 homemade repertoire
任何一堂课都需要教师付出很多的心血和精力,那么如何讲好一堂课,如何让学生在结束了一堂课后有所收获呢?本文将结合《A holiday journey》的教学分别从课前准备、课堂教学、
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