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为了提高环形激光陀螺(RLG)的空间环境适应性,提出了基于菲涅耳透镜的RLG抗辐照读出方案。该方案采用菲涅耳透镜对RLG输出的顺/逆时针光进行会聚,在其焦平面前方得到了条纹数不变、尺寸显著减小的干涉条纹。相比于采用普通凸透镜,基于菲涅耳透镜的读出系统在球差校正和安装便利性等方面更具优势。计算结果表明,该方案能将RLG输出光斑尺寸降低到原水平的1%以下,显著降低了对光电管的尺寸要求,从而大幅减小了辐照对探测器的损伤,提高了RLG的空间环境适应性。 In order to improve the space environment adaptability of ring laser gyroscope (RLG), a Fresnel lens-based RLG radiation resistant readout scheme is proposed. In this scheme, the Fresnel lens is used to converge the clockwise / counterclockwise light output from the RLG, and the interference fringes of which the number of fringes remain unchanged and the size of the fringes are significantly reduced are obtained in front of the focal plane. Compared with using normal convex lens, Fresnel lens based readout system has advantages in spherical aberration correction and installation convenience. The results show that the proposed scheme can reduce the output spot size of RLG to less than 1% of the original level, significantly reducing the size requirements of the photocell, thus greatly reducing the radiation damage to the detector and increasing the spatial environment of the RLG Adaptability.
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甬优12号是宁波市农科院、宁波市种子公司合作育成的单季晚稻新组合,属籼粳亚种间杂交组合。2011年在宁海县种植产量达到13.66 t/hm2。总结了种植表现及高产栽培技术。 Yong