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2010年,这一被冠之以后危机时代元年的年份,在欧美发达国家依旧经受金融危机余波煎熬、国际经济金融格局发生微变之际,中国也在感受着金融海啸的“危”与“机”之切。一方面,发达经济体无一不受“危”之害,而作为新兴经济体的中国则相对乐观,有“机”之存。而另一方面,受外需影响贸易之处仍存,国外量化宽松之策频出,货币战争难免波及国内,而前期天量信贷的后续效应及国外巨量美元引致通胀预期之危犹存。而在此“危”与“机”并存之时,2010年的国内金融业同样是各方招法频出,均意欲借推金融业而助自身及整体经济之发展。大抵全球各国在逆周期之时提振经济而后续必然面临先“量”后“质”的经济梳理问题,而在2010年为控制号称国内最大金融风险源的地方政府融资平台的政策效果业已显现,银信合作也已叫停,而针对但凡危机必有之的房地产及大宗商品价格,加息及差别化房贷,其动作也领先于全球。同时努力多年的两岸金融合作方面,也进展明显。股指期货的出台、产融结合、组建村镇银行控股公司及农行光大上市方面,也在彰显国内金融业的进取之决心。从公元前2000年,美索不达米亚人在瓷片上用锲形文字记录远期合约开始,金融创新便在始终推动着人类金融业的发展,而中国金融业也在始终探索着这一经济金融发展的动力之源。而2010年又有哪些事件襄赞了中国金融业的发展,于此,本刊甄选了“2010年中国十大金融事件”以期为中国金融史的记载刻录有所裨益。 In 2010, when the developed countries in Europe and the United States still survived the aftermath of the financial crisis and the international economic and financial structure changed slightly, China was also feeling the “crisis” of the financial tsunami. And “machine ” cut. On the one hand, the advanced economies are all hampered by the “crisis.” China, as an emerging economy, is relatively optimistic and has a “machine” presence. On the other hand, the foreign trade-affected trade still exists. The foreign policy of quantitative easing is frequent. The currency war will inevitably affect the domestic economy. However, the follow-up effect of the previous amount of credit and the huge amount of foreign dollars in the United States will lead to the inflation crisis. At the same time, the “financial crisis” and the “machine” coexist, the domestic financial industry in 2010 was also a frequent move by all parties and all wanted to push the financial industry to help itself and the overall economic development. It is probably that all countries in the world boost the economy during the countercyclical period and inevitably face the economic combing issue of “quality” afterwards. In 2010, for the control of the local government financing platform that is the largest source of financial risk in the country, The effect of the policy has been revealed. Cooperation between Bank and Credit Union has also been halted. For real estate and commodity prices, interest rate hikes and differentiated mortgage loans, which are essential to any crisis, their actions are ahead of the rest of the world. At the same time, it has also made remarkable progress in cross-Strait financial cooperation. The introduction of stock index futures, the combination of industry and finance, the formation of rural bank holding company and Agricultural Bank of China Everbright listed, also highlight the determination of the domestic financial industry. From 2000 BC, Mesopotamia started with the wedge-shaped writing of forward contracts on porcelain tiles. Financial innovation has always promoted the development of the human financial industry, and the Chinese financial industry has been exploring this all along. The source of economic and financial development. In 2010, what other events have commended the development of China’s financial industry? Hereby, we selected “2010 Top 10 Financial Events in China” in the hope of recording the record of China’s financial history.
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