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记者:对深化国资管理体制和国企改革,你作为一位民营企业家,觉得尤其需要解决哪些问题? 梁:我觉得有几个问题特别需要关注。第一个问题是人的问题,国企很难长期做好的根本原因是留不住人。企业一旦成功,就有大量外资、民资企业慕名求贤,国有企业对此的应对很慢,措施又不到位。优秀人才一旦离开企业,企业的持续发展问题就无从谈起。这个问题实际上引申出另外一个本质问题,就是国企在治理机制上存在着缺陷,这种缺陷表现在另一方面,就是国企缺乏扩张动力,现在我们的很多国企只满足于在现有系统内进行垄断经营以获取超额利润,对于跨地区、跨行业经营,去冲击别人的地盘不感兴趣,由于长期缺乏扩张的愿望,因而也就 Reporter: As a private entrepreneur, deepen the reform of the state-owned assets management system and state-owned enterprises. Which issues do you think should be especially addressed? Liang: I think there are several issues that require special attention. The first issue is the human problem. The fundamental reason why it is very difficult for state-owned enterprises to make good long-term achievements is that they can not keep people. Once a business is successful, there will be a large number of foreign-funded enterprises that seek support from private-owned enterprises. State-owned enterprises are slow to respond to this and measures are not in place. Once the outstanding talents leave the enterprise, the sustainable development of the enterprise can not be started. In fact, this issue leads to another essential issue, that is, there are flaws in the governance mechanism of state-owned enterprises. On the other hand, these deficiencies are the lack of impetus for the expansion of state-owned enterprises. Many of our state-owned enterprises are now content only with existing systems Monopolizing operations to gain excess profits is not conducive to cross-regional and cross-industry operations and to the impact of others' sites. Due to the long-term lack of desire for expansion,
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各省、自治区、直辖市建委(建设厅),各计划单列市建委,国务院各有关部、委、局、总公司,新缰生产建设兵团: 现将《建设工程勘察质量管理办法》印发给你们,请认真贯彻执行。
蒸馒头用水小决窍 1、未发起的面也可以蒸馒头。其方法是将面坨上按一个凹窝,倒入少量白酒,用湿布捂10min左右,即可发起。 2、冷水蒸馒头好。用冷水蒸馒头,温度是逐渐上升,
In order to discuss the buckling stability of super-long rock-socketed filling piles widely used in bridge engineering in soft soil area such as Dongting Lake,
武汉烟草 (集团 )有限公司作为全国烟草行业重点骨干大型企业 ,在国家烟草专卖局的正确领导下 ,秉承“名牌兴业 ,回报社会”的企业宗旨 ,以技术创新为依托 ,建立了完整的品牌