Brazil: the Warmth from the "Country of the Future"

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  Paradise of biological species
  It is unimaginable of the love of Brazilians for Brazil and they always say "the God is Brazilian". In their mind, it is not only the holy land for football but also the "paradise" for biological species. The statistics show that Brazil is one of the 17 countries of "mega biodiversity" and 22% of earth species are found in Brazil. In the past 4 years, researchers found 169 new species in Amazon jungle including 155 animals and 14 plants. Besides newly found fish, birds, amphibious and reptiles, there is still a macaca silenus only in the country.
  At the same time, what makes Brazilian proud is the abundant natural resource there. The country has an amazing storage of 29 mineral deposits, like the reserve volume of nickel is 6 million tons covering 4.0% of that in the world and mainly distributed in Goias and Minas Gerais; metal reserves account for 10% of that in the world including manganese, bauxite, lead and tin; colombite ore is verified of 4.559 million tons; since 2007, major oil and gas fields are found along the southeast coast that it would be listed in the world top 10 petroleum country…forest coverage rate of Brazil is 57% with timber reserve of 65.8 cubic meters. Brazil still owns 18% of world fresh water with per capita amount of 29,000 cubic meters and water conservancy capacity of 143 million kilowatt per year.
  Brazilian government spares no efforts in protecting biodiversity. In 1994, it on purpose set up the "National Biodiversity Plan" to negotiate related affairs and implement related projects; in 2002, the environmental department became the department in charge of biodiversity; in 2003, it established national biodiversity committee to provide advises in advanced areas and actions for biodiversity protection; in April, 2015, the senate passed the new Biodiversity Protection Law to provide convenience in scientific research and legal business development of biodiversity, especially genetic ones and improve the utilization efficiency in biological resource.
  In protecting ecological environment, besides the attention paid by the government on "biodiversity", it also devotes a lot in infrastructure construction. Such as the strict approval system of infrastructure construction in ecological protective zones: in Amazon, if new infrastructure will be built, it should apply to the environment and renewable natural resource bureau of environment department and the local government has no authority in this regard.   Prestigious kingdom of tourism
  In Brazil, the local tourist resource is famous as well. It is known that the tourist resource here is rich and various just like the bio-species. Amazon jungle is praised as "the lung of the earth" is at north, vigorously flowing Iguazu waterfall is at south and big swamp with rare wild animals is at middle and western part. As a big tourist country, Brazil receives more than 6 million foreign tourists a year and is in the second place in South America just behind Argentina.
  In the travelling plan of many tourists, there would be a long list of the scenic spots that tourist must visit in Brazil: Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Brasilia city, the Church of El Salvador and Manaus Freeport. And of course they should go to the Lencois Maranhenses National Park covering 1,500 square meters at northeast of Brazil. Due to the Amazon basin, the white beach of the park would have unique lagoon; Bonito, known as the "demonstrative city of Brazilian ecological tourism", provides unexpected experience for tourists with diving in lakes of caves, seeing stalactites in jungle and visiting half-water garden in glasslike waters; the Fernando de Noronha is also should be mentioned. It is composed of 21 small islands with flourish forests, happy dolphins and flying birds. People would return to their original nature when inside the island.
  Brazilian government pays attention to the tourism resource development as well. The materials shows that in 1995, in order to use and protect local tourism resource in a proper way, the country put forward national ecological tourist plan and guidance of ecological tourism development and built 18 ecological tourist zones including Amazon with the loan from World Bank. In order to avoid the bad influence from tourism to environment, the government stressed the development of tourism should be on the premise of protecting the local historical and cultural appearance for the harmony of tourism, environment and society.
  Orderly advanced "sustainable development"
  "Brazil has achieved long-term development in green economy pushed by sustainable development. Such as wide use of renewable energy, protection of forests and lands, development of city fast transportation, reuse and recycle network of city garbage. But there are still problems need to be solved," said by Former President Fernando Corral in Brasilia.
  In recent years, Brazil has its own track on the way of "sustainable development".   For the use of clean energy, according to the UN report on the Global Trend of Renewable Resource Investment, Brazil's investment in clean energy increased 93% compared with last year and listed at the 7th place of global biggest renewable resource investment countries.
  Brazil also did research and development in improving energy utilization rate. In the middle of 1970s, Brazilian government has implemented the "plan of alcohol", which is using alcohol instead of gasoline. It is because ethyl alcohol emits 90% less carbon than gasoline when burning and it can be vehicle fuel as a clean and renewable energy. In fact the extracting and purification of ethyl alcohol industry is advanced worldwide. All gas stations should use gasoline with water free ethyl alcohol in a certain proportion to reduce carbon emission. Since the end of 2008, Brazil has also developed an extract technology for vehicle fuel to have progress in cost control and environmental emission.
  The "sustainable development" in agriculture is in low-carbon agriculture. As a new growth method, it not only gets the political support from government, but also the related loans. It is said that, the time for the implementation of low-carbon agriculture is from 2010 to 2020 and 6 of its 7 contents are low-carbon agriculture transformation technologies. The plan stresses to "meet the social demand within 2 years."
巴塞罗那位于西班牙东北部的地中海岸,是西班牙第二大城市、最大的工业中心,风光旖旎、古迹遍布,素有“伊比利亚半岛的明珠”之称。它还是西班牙的文化古城,又被誉为地中海曼哈顿。带有哥特风格的古老建筑与高楼大厦交相辉映,共同构成了巴塞罗那令人迷醉的天际线。格局凌乱的小巷子紧贴着新城区的边缘,古色古香的旧城区里会忽然冒出工业时代的烟囱,在巴塞罗那,这一切的不协调看来都顺理成章。  巴塞罗那是西班牙最大的制造
萧宽,原名萧树宽,笔名海河、夏风。祖籍沧州,1949年9月15日出生于天津,中国美术家协会会员、中国版画家协会会员、中国徽标设计专家、中国藏书票研究会会员、新华书画院画师。曾任中国少儿版画筹委会委员,哲盟美协副秘书长、科尔沁漫画学会会长、油画研究会秘书长、《北疆》诗社主编和中国书画函大分校学报主编等,由此称萧宽老师为百变大师恰如其分。  作为一位画家,萧宽老师曾说过,“书画是中国国粹,表现生活意境
Xiao Kuan, originally named as Xiao Shukuan, used the pseudonym of Hai River and Summer Wind. He was born in Tianjin on September 15, 1949, but his ancestral home is in Cangzhou city, Hebei province.
联合国经社理事会主席今晨在联合国总部纽约举行的多方利益相关者合作伙伴关系特别活动的开幕式上表示,包括政府、私营部门、民间社会、学术界及慈善组织在内的伙伴关系将对新的发展议程的实施起到关键作用。  联合国经社理事会主席Martin Sajdik称,“该理事会多年来都致力于动员伙伴关系。”“我们必须在过渡到一个新的发展目标的时期继续扩大这一重要合作。”  2015年9月,联合国将会采用一种新的变革发展
面对人口的增长、食物的短缺、饥饿的威胁,日益多的专家学者将目光投注到“向森林要粮食”中来。2015年5月6日,由世界上60多位著名科学家联合撰写的《森林、林业及粮食安全和营养的概貌——全球评估报告》(以下简称“《全球评估报告》”)在联合国总部发布。  负责此次《全球评估报告》编撰工作的“森林和粮食安全问题全球森林专家小组”主席巴斯卡尔·维拉,对森林在构筑粮食安全方面发挥的关键作用予以肯定;林业研究
Green symbolizes life, and forest is referred as the essential source of the earth vitality.  From ancient time, forest has been playing an important role through all human-related activities, contrib
2006年,一份408页、名为《畜牧业长长的阴影》的联合国报告指出:肉食工业是造成全球暖化的最大责任方之一,由此导致的温室气体排放,比所有的飞机、汽车、卡车、轮船和其它各种形式的交通总和还多。问题是时至今日,普通大众对此问题的意识依旧淡薄。  畜牧业对环境影响不可忽视  2015年12月,各国代表将齐聚巴黎,达成旨在将全球温升控制在2℃以内的新协议。在此之前,各国政府必须解决彼此在技术和法律问题上
亚太地区的领导人与决策者们将于下个月在日本讨论如何降低灾难风险,他们的首要任务将是加强这一地区的灾难应对能力,去年8千万人遭受了自然灾害的影响并导致600亿美元的经济损失。  这是根据联合国亚洲及太平洋经济和社会委员会今天发布的亚太地区自然灾害:2014年度审查报告得出的。  报告称去年世界226个自然灾害中的一半发生在亚太地区。  报告称,尽管去年没有发生地震或海啸导致的大规模灾难,但是该地区经
联合国粮农组织负责人近日表示,现有占主导地位的农业生产模式已不能适应21世纪食品安全的新挑战,它需要更可持续、更包容以及更有韧性。  粮农组织总干事José Graziano da Silva在巴黎举行的由法国主办的国际农业和气候变化论坛上对出席的部长、科学家、农民以及民间社会成员说,“由于食品生产不是食品安全的充足条件,这意味着我们现有的生产方式已不可被接受。”  他补充说,“我们目前绝大多数的
在全球气候协议将于明年在巴黎讨论达成之际,联合国近日宣布之前的分析表明具有里程碑意义的京都议定书——世界上第一个减排条约的成员国的目标都超过了之前的设定。  按照联合国气候变化框架公约,这些国家根据协议要求降低20%的排放量,远远超过了它们之前预期减少5%的目标。  如今京都议定书生效10周年之际所取得的成就,表明全球合作行动的成效。  上周各国齐聚日内瓦时,讨论了有望在今年晚些时候于巴黎通过的后