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日前,发改委刊文称,“十三五”时期要积极践行新时期水利工作方针,加快建设节水型社会,加快完善水利基础设施网络,加快推进水生态文明建设,加快健全水利科学发展体制机制,着力提高民生水利发展水平,着力构建与全面建成小康社会相适应的水安全保障体系。2016年,水利要做好以下三方面工作。一是继续加快推进重大水利工程建设。在目前已开工建设85项重大水利工程的基础上,争取2016年内再新开工引 Recently, the NDRC published an article saying that during the “13th Five-Year Plan” period, it is necessary to actively implement the water conservancy policy in the new era, speed up the building of a water-saving society, accelerate the improvement of the network of water conservancy infrastructure, speed up the construction of aquatic ecological civilization and speed up the improvement of water conservancy science Develop institutional mechanisms to focus on improving people’s livelihood and water conservancy development, and strive to build a water security system that is compatible with the well-off society in an all-round way. In 2016, water conservancy should do the following three aspects. First, continue to accelerate the construction of major water conservancy projects. On the basis of 85 major water conservancy projects under construction at present, we are trying to re-start construction in 2016
目的回顾性分析MRI检查中钆喷酸葡胺的使用和肾源性系统性纤维化(nephrogenic systemic fibrosis,NSF)发生之间的关系。材料与方法本研究遵循HIPAA,获得机构伦理委员会的批准
文章对高切坡的地质条件及稳定性进行了分析,预测其发展趋势及危害,并提出处理建议。 The paper analyzes the geological conditions and stability of the Gaochengpo, fo
文章介绍了地质围岩的分类,并阐述在分类的基础上,根据不同类别的围岩,确定开挖方式、一次性进尺、初期支护方式等。 The article introduces the classification of geolog
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目的:探讨干扰素α-1b联合阿德福韦酯(Adefovir Dipivoxil Tablets,ADV)治疗HBeAg阳性慢性乙型肝炎(Chronic hepatitis B,CHB)患者临床疗效。方法:随即将120例CHB患者分为3组
邮发代号:14-82每册96页定价10元全年价120元全国各地邮政局(所)均可订阅国际统一刊号:ISSN 2096-0506国内统一刊号:CN 23-1594/TV《黑龙江水利》杂志为月刊,是水利行业的综