
来源 :中国海关 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lpdshr
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近几年来 ,大连海关紧密结合海关工作实际和特点 ,认真推行政务公开工作 ,积极探索管理机制的改革 ,着力强化内部监督制约 ,在队伍建设和业务建设上成效明显。许多企业和货主深有感触地说 :“大连海关推行政务公开、接受社会监督 ,不是挂在嘴上、写在纸上、贴在墙上 ,而是动真? In recent years, in line with the actual situation and characteristics of the customs work, the Dalian Customs conscientiously implemented the open government affairs work, actively explored the reform of the management mechanism, focused on strengthening the internal supervision and restriction, and achieved remarkable results in team building and business construction. Many enterprises and shippers said with deep feeling: "Dalian Customs implemented the government affairs openly and accepted the social supervision. It was not hanging on the mouth, writing on the paper and sticking to the wall, but the real thing?
连铸纯铜杆废品存在严重偏心现象 ,中心有大量的气孔、缩松等缺陷 ,是导致纯铜杆硬度和强度不足、耐磨性差、导电性低的主要原因。通过将结晶器由单侧进水改为双侧进水 ,可解
We investigate whether AlCl and AlBr are promising candidates for laser cooling. We report new ab initio calculations on the ground state X~1Σ~+ and two low-ly
(记者胡凤茹)在近期召开的全国计划工作会议上,国务院副总理、国家计委主任邹家华作了《1993年经济计划工作安排报告》。邹家华在谈到1992年的经济形势时说, (Reporter Hu
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