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由试验结果和分析结果介绍了一种由2层薄壁钢板中夹轻质加气混凝土(LFC)组成的墙体结构在轴向压力作用下的结构性能。试验中的试件尺寸为400mm×400mm×100mm,共制作了2组共12个试件。这些试件有6个不同的参数:不同钢板厚(0.4mm和0.8mm),三种边界条件。LFC的密度为1000kg/m3。试验结果包括破坏模式、最大荷载和沿垂直于力作用方向的应变反应。在分析中,假定钢板与LFC不产生相对滑移,并且LFC能有效阻止钢板的向内屈曲。对钢板运用了屈曲后有效宽度的方法计算试件的承载能力并与试验结果进行了对比。研究发现结合Uy和Bradford的板局部屈曲系数与Liang和Uy的有效宽度方程的计算结果与试验结果能良好地吻合。最后,对这种新型组合墙体在低层建筑中的适用性和局限性作了可行性研究。 Based on the test results and the analysis results, the structural performance of a wall structure consisting of two layers of thin-wall steel plates with light-weight aerated concrete (LFC) under axial compression is introduced. The test specimen size is 400mm × 400mm × 100mm, a total of 12 groups of two specimens were produced. The specimens have six different parameters: different steel thickness (0.4mm and 0.8mm), three kinds of boundary conditions. The density of LFC is 1000kg / m3. The test results include the failure mode, the maximum load and the strain response perpendicular to the direction of force application. In the analysis, it is assumed that there is no relative slip between the steel plate and the LFC, and that the LFC can effectively prevent the steel plate from buckling inward. The method of calculating the effective width of the steel plate after buckling is used to calculate the bearing capacity of the test piece and compared with the test results. It is found that the calculated results of the local buckling coefficient combined with Uy and Bradford and the effective width equations of Liang and Uy agree well with the experimental results. Finally, the feasibility and limitations of the new composite wall in low-rise buildings were investigated.
【案例】曾经听一个老同学说起他经历过的两任校长,他们处理校园突发事件的能力,让我印象深刻。前任校长遇到的是这么一件事:课间两位同学追逐,跑在前面的同 [Case] ​​Onc
目的总结慢性栓塞性肺动脉高压(CTEPH)患者行肺动脉血栓内膜剥脱术的手术配合要点。方法 7例慢性栓塞性肺动脉高压患者为研究对象,建立体外循环行肺动脉血栓内膜剥脱术,总结
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