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5月30日,湖南省长沙市政府发布《通告》,为减少砂石污染,提升预拌混凝土行业的环境保护水平,长沙市将开展预拌混凝土企业场站专项整治。《通告》自2014年7月1日起实施。据悉,此次整治范围为长沙市行政区域范围的所有预拌混凝土企业场站。根据《长沙市混凝土搅拌场布局规划(2013~2020)》,长沙市三环线(绕城高速公路和京港澳高速公路)区域内为预拌混凝土场站禁建区(安沙砂场周边规划场站除外)。禁建区内的预拌混凝土场站,应当按照城市发展规划要求和《长沙市预拌混凝土场站专项整治工作方案》实施,逐步停止预拌混凝土生产,妥善处置好企业停产后的相关事务,做好场站撤出搬迁工作。2014年12月31日 May 30, Changsha City, Hunan Province, issued a “circular” to reduce gravel pollution and improve the level of environmental protection of ready mixed concrete industry, Changsha City, will carry out special rectification of ready mixed concrete enterprise site. The “Notice” came into force on July 1, 2014. It is reported that the scope of the remediation of all the ready-mixed concrete enterprise station in the administrative area of ​​Changsha City. According to Changsha Concrete Mixing Plant Layout Plan (2013-2020), the areas along the Third Ring Road (Ring Expressway and Beijing-Hong Kong-Macau Expressway) in Changsha City shall be the forbidden-access area for the ready-mixed concrete yard except). For the ready-mixed concrete site in the prohibited area, it shall be implemented in accordance with the requirements of urban development planning and the “Work Plan for Special Remediation of Ready Mixed Concrete Site in Changsha City” to stop the production of ready-mixed concrete step by step and properly handle the related business after the stop of production, Do a good job of evacuation station. December 31, 2014
滇西崇山峻岭间战斗着一支筑路劲旅,他们在项目经理刘建陵的带领下,正挥汗如雨地将修桥筑路的理想一步一步地变为现实。  多彩的云南,仰望祥云如画,静听风声如歌,游人领略着这里的神奇,不由得浮想联翩。然而,人们不会想到,在滇西的崇山峻岭间还云集着一支筑路劲旅,他们为了云南的四通八达而殚精竭虑。他们就是中铁五局五公司广大铁路的建设者。  2012年12月初,从事铁路工程建设20多年的中铁五局五公司副总经理
Objective To explore the incidence of sudden cardiac death(SCD)of urban residents in Beijing.Methods A community based epidemiology survey was performed on the
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亲爱的小朋友,请擦亮你的眼睛仔细观察,看看下面图形,左边哪些图形与右边的图形是完全一样的? Dear children, please polish your eyes carefully observed, take a look a
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