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小贾高中一毕业就到镇上一家饭店打工,在保险公司业务员的多次动员之下,他上了一份康宁终身保险。保险合同约定:投保人共投两份保险,交费方式为年交,每年保费1180元,基本保险额2万元。这份保险合同的受益人是小贾的父亲。合同签订后,小贾交了首期保费1180元。就在这份保险合同生效后的第15天凌晨,与小贾住在一起的工友被一阵急促的呼吸声吵醒,他们见小贾两眼圆睁、呼吸异样,问也不搭话,连忙把他送到医院救治。经医生检查,小贾被送到医院时已经死亡。医院诊断为:猝死。小贾的亲属立即将出险原因、经过、结果报给了保险公司,保险公司到现场进行了核实。可小贾的亲属手执小贾的死亡证明、保险合同交费发票等上门要求保险公司按照合同支付6万元保险金时,遭到拒绝。小贾的亲属跟保险公司打起了官司。 Upon his graduation, Xiao Jia and Gaozhong went to work in a hotel in the town where he was given a Corning life insurance under several mobilizations by clerks from insurance companies. Insurance contract stipulates: The insured person casts a total of two insurances, pay the annual fee, the annual premium of 1180 yuan, the basic insurance amount of 20,000 yuan. The beneficiary of this insurance contract is Xiao Jia’s father. After the signing of the contract, Xiao Jia paid the first phase of premium 1180 yuan. On the early morning of the 15th day after the effective date of the insurance contract, the co-workers who live with Xiao Jia were awakened by a rapid breath of breath. They saw Xiao Jia’s eyes wide open and his breath was strange. He sent to the hospital for treatment. After medical examination, Xiao Jia was sent to hospital already died. Hospital diagnosis: sudden death. Xiao Jia’s relatives will be out of the immediate cause, after the results reported to the insurance company, the insurance company to the scene was verified. Xiao Jia’s relatives can hold the hand of Xiao Jia’s death certificate, insurance contract pay invoices and other home requirements insurance companies in accordance with the contract to pay 60,000 yuan insurance, was rejected. Xiao Jia’s relatives played with the insurance company lawsuit.
作为班主任必须是一名善于观察、分析和指导的细心人。  由于学生的情感需要贯穿着其学习过程始终,学生心理问题的解决,不仅是学校潜在教育目标的显现,对于提高学习效率也起到事半功倍的作用。虽然在校教师都担有教学、教育的双重任务,但在教学实际中,由于班主任是与学生接触最多的人,更易掌握学生的心理动态,也更容易拉近与学生的心理距离,因此,现阶段学生的教育工作,尤其是心理工作的开展这一重任主要是由班主任来完成
《中华人民共和国海关关于执行的规定》已经2004年12月29日署务会审议通过,现予发布,自2005年1月1日起施行。 “Regulations of the Customs of the People’s Republic of
最苗条的人——帘卷西风,人比黄花瘦。(李清照) 眼力最差的人——众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处。(辛弃疾) The most slender people - curtain roll wester
多义词在古汉语里大量存在。如《廉颇蔺相如列传》中,一个单音词“负”,在五个句子中就有五种意义: (一)均之二策,宁许以负秦曲。(这句的“负”是动词,当“承担”、“负责”