解放思想转变体制观念 知识经济冲涤陈规陋习——中国企业面临双重挑战

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在西方发达国家掀起的知识经济浪潮的影响下,中国政府、知识界和企业界也对知识经济产生了浓厚的兴趣,大量的报刊文章连篇累牍地对知识经济进行轰炸式的传播。知识经济观念的引进将对中国社会和企业产生重大影响。知识经济是人类社会进入信息时代的产物,是信息时代的主要经济形态。毫无疑问,西方发达国家已经走出以电气、化工等为特征的大工业时代,进入一个以脑力劳动为主的知识经济时代。然而,今天的中国是否具备容纳知识经济的条件?当今中国的生产力水平确切地讲处在一个什么经济时代?大量的手工农业操作和劳动密集型工业运作是否有利于知识经济的运作?……诸多问题令人思考。笔者认为,在人们大谈特谈知识经济之余,还应清醒地认识到中国社会传统生产模式和传统思想对知识经济新思想的对抗和冲撞,而这种对抗和冲撞将直接表现在企业改革上。中国企业在向市场经济体制痛苦的转轨过程中,又迎来了知识经济的严峻挑战。 Under the influence of the wave of knowledge economy set off by Western developed countries, the Chinese government, intellectuals, and the business community have also developed a keen interest in the knowledge economy. A large number of newspaper articles have been bombarding the knowledge economy with endless circulation. The introduction of the concept of knowledge economy will have a major impact on Chinese society and enterprises. Knowledge economy is the product of human society entering the information age and the main economic form of the information age. There is no doubt that Western developed countries have egressed the era of large-scale industry characterized by electrical and chemical industries and entered a era of intellectual economy based on mental labor. However, does today’s China have the conditions to accommodate a knowledge-based economy? In what economic era is China’s current productivity level exactly? A lot of manual agricultural operations and labor-intensive industrial operations are conducive to the operation of the knowledge-based economy? The problem is thought-provoking. The author believes that when people talk about the special knowledge economy, they should also soberly recognize the confrontation and collision of traditional Chinese production modes and traditional ideas on the new knowledge-based economy. This confrontation and collision will directly manifest itself in corporate reforms. on. Chinese enterprises have ushered in a severe challenge to the knowledge economy in the painful transition to a market economy system.
历史教学是人文学科的核心课程,其核心在于学生人格的培养。历史课的思想教育应该有机地融入渗透到历史知识的传授中去,使学生在潜移默化中受到教育。 History teaching is
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患者杜×,男,18岁。出生时即发现上唇、上前牙槽突及下唇有畸形。来我院要求治疗,口腔检查:见上唇两侧全层裂,上连鼻底部。左上唇裂隙1.7cm Patient Du ×, male, 18 years
浙江省上虞市春晖外国语学校平屋文学社创建于2006年9月,原名白马湖文学社。“平屋”取名于著名教育家、文学家夏丐尊故居名 Zhejiang Province Shanghui Chunhui Foreign L