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参观优秀的园所第一眼就能感受到不同,环境设计和区角创设是其教育理念最直观的体现。一所幼儿园的教育理念是什么?或许解读它只需要一个小小的细节。为了满足老师们向名园学习的愿望,我们特别策划了“名园考察”栏目,带领大家参观名园,学习名园。这一系列的主题——区角,本期的示范园所——中国科学院第三幼儿园。中国科学院第三幼儿园是北京市示范幼儿园、中央国家机关特级幼儿园、北京市一级一类幼儿园、全国巾帼文明岗、北京市社区儿童早期教育示范基地、海淀区示范幼儿园、海淀区精神文明先进单位、中国科学院快乐科学教育基地、海淀区教师继续教育管理先进单位、海淀区早期教育先进单位,始建于1954年,具有悠久的文化历史和丰厚的教育教学经验。秉承“科研兴园,特色立园”的发展思路,始终如一的在科学教育领域孜孜不倦的探索,特别是九五、十五、十一五期间进行了诸多的研究和积累,努力营造“科学、严谨、求实、务真”的科学文化氛围;打造“以激发幼儿探究兴趣与欲望”为目标的园所环境;提供“方便幼儿操作的,可感、可知的”的科学游戏材料;打开幼儿视野,拓展幼儿学习空间,利用周边社区、家庭科学教育的资源;构建“来源于幼儿生活,回归于幼儿生活的”科学教育园本课程,以发挥幼儿与生俱来的好奇心,点燃幼儿心中科学的火花,拉近幼儿和科学的距离,使幼儿养成正确的科学价值观,从而促进幼儿全面发展。 Visit the excellent garden at first glance will be able to feel different, environmental design and district corner creation is the most intuitive manifestation of its educational philosophy. What is the educational philosophy of a kindergarten? Perhaps it takes only a small detail to interpret it. In order to meet the teacher’s desire to learn from the famous park, we specially planted the column of “Famous Park Investigation” to lead you to visit the famous park and learn the famous park. This series of themes - District Corner, the current demonstration garden - Chinese Academy of Sciences, the third kindergarten. Chinese Academy of Sciences is the third kindergarten model kindergarten in Beijing, the Central Government authorities super kindergarten, a class of first-class kindergarten in Beijing, the national women’s civilized Kongnian Kong, Beijing community early childhood education demonstration base, Haidian District, Model Kindergarten, advanced unit of spiritual civilization in Haidian District , The Chinese Academy of Sciences happy science education base, Haidian District, advanced teachers continue education management unit, Haidian District early education advanced unit, was founded in 1954, has a long cultural history and rich experience in education and teaching. Adhering to the development philosophy of “research Park Xing, distinctive Park”, consistently in the field of science and education tireless exploration, especially during the nine five, fifteen, eleven during a lot of research and accumulation, and strive to create a Scientific and cultural atmosphere of “science, rigorous, truth-seeking and pragmatic”, and a “garden environment” aiming at “stimulating the children to explore their interests and desires”; providing “convenient, sensible and predictable” Open up the vision of young children, expand the learning space for young children, make use of the resources of the surrounding communities and family science education, and construct the “Science Education Garden Courses” which is “originated from children’s life and returned to young children’s life” The curiosity that comes with it ignites the spark of science in young children and narrows the distance between young children and science so that young children can develop correct scientific values ​​and promote the all-round development of young children.
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针对干旱区尾闾绿洲土壤盐渍化严重发生的现状,运用遥感和GIS 技术,基于天山北麓三工河流域平原尾闾绿洲农区0~20 cm 耕作层土壤盐渍化特征,利用空间概率模型预测了其今后的发生状态。
[关键词]探究式学习,课程资源,教学  [中图分类号]G63 [文献标识码]B [文章编号]0457-6241(2008)23-0067-01    新课标强调转变教师的教学方式和学生的学习方式,倡导探究式的教、学新方式。因为它既有利于激发学生兴趣、引导学生分析、磨砺学生思维,实现学生学习上的可持续发展;又可转变教师角色,把教师从单纯施教的苦海中解放出来。但怎样指导学生进行探究式学习,从而提高历史
温州市将建成面向国际的现代化都市,有必要走跨越式发展之路。“敢为天下先”、“不找市长找市场”的精神就是很好的基础。建议:1对“开放度”与“开发度”进行相关研究 温州市
如何在小学低年级学生中进行口语交际与写话的整体训练,使口语交际与写语水平同步提高呢?  一、细心观察逐步引导  细心观察是引导学生想象的媒介,是口语交际和写作的基本功。学生通过观察训练,把看到的人、物、事通过联想,由说一句话或一段话,再到与同学、老师分享,最后口语交际、写话交替进行,不断提高。通常步骤是:一看、二想、三说、四评议、五写话。训练的方式可以采用句型提示法,扶着学生前行。如:苏教版小学语
分散、小型的间断供热不仅造成严重的能源浪费 ,且对环境的污染也比较大 ,而采用集中、连续供热不但能节约能源 ,减少对环境污染 ,而且对提高人民的生活质量 ,提高企业经济效