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年初开始以来,本刊编辑部同山西雁北日报社,中国地市报研究会联合举办的“如何办好地市报纸”北岳杯有奖征文活动,已历时两个多月,得到了各地市报和广大关心地市报的读者的大力支持。到3月20日,共收到征文来稿147篇,其中5篇以上的省份有:河北(25篇)、湖北(13篇)、辽宁(11篇),山东(11篇),河南(11篇)、湖南(9篇)、安徽(8篇)、浙江(7篇)、黑龙江(7篇)、甘肃(7篇)、云南(7篇)、江苏(5篇)、四川(5篇)。在这些来稿中,81篇是地市报的同志写的,其中正副总编辑写的占27篇;3篇来自地市领导机关,其中一篇是分管宣传工作的市委常务副书记写的,另外两篇是地市委宣传部干部写的。这次征文来稿,与本刊《地市县报园地》专栏历年收到的稿件相比,面广、量多、质高。其中有调查、有探讨、有分析、有深度的稿件不少。只是个别文章太长,不尽符合此次征文的要求。对这次征文活动,不少同志纷纷来信,提出许多建议和想法,有的还详细拟出征文选题;有两位中学生在来稿中,对如何办好地市报纸,也直抒己见,谈了自己质朴、纯真的看法,令人感奋!在征文活动期间,本刊每期从来稿中选登数篇,到本期为止已选登16篇(包括摘编)。征文来稿中凡适合刊用的,本刊下半年将继续选登。现在离征文截稿时间--6月30日(请注意:以当地邮戳为准;征文稿一律不退,请自留底稿,勿一稿两投),还有一段时间,我们热切欢迎全国各地市报的同行、地市报的研究者、通讯员、读者和各地市党政机关的有关领导同志,继续踊跃赐稿。 Since the beginning of this year, the editorial department of this magazine has jointly held the essay activity of “How to Do a Better City Newspaper” and “Beijing Yueyue Cup Prize Essay Contest” jointly with Shanxi Yanbei North Daily and China Landmark Research Association. It took more than two months to get the Local newspapers and the vast majority of readers concerned about the strong support of the newspaper. By March 20, a total of 147 articles and papers were received, of which 5 were from Hebei (25), Hubei (13), Liaoning (11), Shandong (11) and Henan (11) ), Hunan (9), Anhui (8), Zhejiang (7), Heilongjiang (7), Gansu (7), Yunnan (7), Jiangsu (5) and Sichuan (5). Among these contributions, 81 were written by comrades from the Municipalities and Municipalities, of which 27 were written by the deputy chief editor; 3 were written by prefectural and municipal leading organs, of which one was a standing deputy secretary of the municipal party committee in charge of propaganda work. In addition, Two are written by the cadres of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee. The draft essay, compared with the manuscripts received in the column of “City, County and County Newspaper and Periodicals” of this magazine, is widely distributed, with a large quantity and high quality. Among them, there are surveys, discussions, analysis, and deep manuscripts. Just an individual article is too long, do not meet the requirements of the essay. Many comrades wrote letters and made many suggestions and ideas on this essay event, and some also elaborate essay topics. Two middle school students also expressed their opinions on how to handle local newspaper well, During the period of essay writing, we selected a number of articles for each issue of our journal and selected 16 articles (including excerpts) so far. Essay manuscript where suitable for publication, the second half of this publication will continue to vote. Now from the essay deadline for submission - June 30 (Please note: the local postmark will prevail; the levy manuscript will not be returned, please leave the manuscript, not a draft), and for some time, we warmly welcome all over the country The counterparts, the researchers, correspondents and readers of the local newspapers and the relevant leading comrades of the party and government organs in various cities and municipalities continued to make contributions voluntarily.
摘 要:中国精神发轫于中华文明传统,积蕴于中华民族复兴历程,是中国的符号和象征。然而,伴随着社会主义现代化的进展,中国物质水准有了显著的提升,在精神层面则显得相对缓慢。中国梦的实现不仅仅是国富民强,而更深层次的是精神崛起。因此,建构中国精神无疑成为时代课题和时代难题,破解时代难题无疑需要精神自觉、精神自信和精神自省的辩证统一。  关键词:中国精神; 中国梦; 建构  DOI:10.15938/j.
靠“等(领导布置)、靠(报道提纲)、要(有关部门提供)”写不出好新闻,应做有心人,深挖求新。 今年1月27日,《新民晚报》“文学角”有篇评介“上海文坛一月”的文章,末尾提到