小雨彩瓦 闪亮登场 扮靓生活 质量一流

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小雨牌彩色混凝土瓦是由营口小雨新型建筑材料有限公司引进意大利沃泰克斯公司的全套彩瓦生产设备和技术生产的,投资600万元,年产量200万片。在短短3个月内投产达标的彩色混凝土瓦。填补了市级新产品空白,成为东北第二个彩瓦生产基地。 小雨牌彩色混凝土瓦经辽宁省建材产品质量监督检验站测试,其质量达到国家建材行业标准 Xiaoyu brand color concrete tile is produced by Yingkou Xiaoyu New Construction Material Co., Ltd. and imported a full set of color tile production equipment and technology from Italy Wetex Company, with an investment of 6 million yuan and an annual output of 2 million pieces. In a short period of 3 months, production of standard colored concrete tiles was put into operation. Filled the gap of new products at the municipal level and became the second production base of colored tiles in the northeast. Xiaoyu brand color concrete tile was tested by Liaoning Province Building Materials Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Station, and its quality has reached the national building materials industry standard.
At high latitudes and in mountainous areas,evaluation and validation of water and energy flux simu- lations are greatly affected by systematic precipitation err
本文在广义ElGamal型签名方案上建立了许多口令鉴别方案,并且提出了文[1]的三个改进方案。利用这些方案,计算机系统不仅能监测和控制口令的使用,而且可以抗击许多对口令的伪造攻击。 In t
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During the DY105-12, 14cruise (R/V DAYANG YIHAO, November 2003) on East Pacific Rise (EPR) 12- 13°N, the submarine hydrothermal activity was investigated and t
Zinc silicate ore was characterized mineralogically and the results showed that zinc exists mainly as hemimorphite and smithsonite in the sample.Sulfuric acid p
一、研究课题以当前为主 宜宾市政研会在研究活动中每年围绕一个主题举行研讨,如:1999年十五届四中全会通过了《关于国有企业改革和发展若干重大问题的决定》,政研会及时举