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在施工阶段推行以动态控制为主,事前预防为辅的管理办法,主要抓住事先指导,事中检查、事后验收三个环节。一切以数据说话,一切以书面为根据,做好提前预控,从预控角度主动发现问题,对重点部位、关键工序进行动态控制。在施工管理过程中,抓“重点部位”的质量控制,对工程施工做到全过程、全方位的质量监控,从而有效的实现工程项目施工的全面质量控制。一、建立健全质量保证体系,加强合同管理监理方一旦进入工程质量监理,首先审查施工单位的施工 During the construction phase, the management measures mainly based on dynamic control and supplemented by ex ante prevention are implemented. The three aspects of prior guidance, in-process inspection and post-acceptance are mainly implemented. All data to speak, all in writing as a basis, do a good job in advance of pre-control, from the pre-control point of view to proactively identify problems, the key parts of the key processes for dynamic control. In the course of construction management, grasping the quality control of “key parts” will do the whole process and all-round quality control to the construction so as to effectively realize the overall quality control of the construction of the project. First, establish and improve the quality assurance system, strengthen contract management Once the supervision side into engineering quality supervision, first review of the construction unit construction
本文简述了MPEG的视频压缩算法,并在介绍C-Cube的VideoRISCProcessor芯片的基础上,给出了实时的MPEG-1视频编码器的实现方案,简单地讨论了输出缓存器的控制策略问题。 In this paper, the MPEG video compression
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一、研究课题以当前为主 宜宾市政研会在研究活动中每年围绕一个主题举行研讨,如:1999年十五届四中全会通过了《关于国有企业改革和发展若干重大问题的决定》,政研会及时举