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近年来,社区社会组织在社区营造中的作用越来越受到政府部门的重视。因为社会组织参与社区营造活动提高社区居民素质与居民参与的主动性和积极性,深化社区服务,进一步实现社区服务社会化;同时社会组织参与社会营造,有利于政府职能转变,对建设社会主义和谐社区具有巨大意义。 In recent years, the role of community social organizations in community building has drawn more and more attention from government departments. Because social organizations participate in community activities to improve the quality of community residents and residents to participate in the initiative and enthusiasm, deepen community services and further socialization of community services; the same time, social organizations involved in social construction, is conducive to the transformation of government functions, the building of a harmonious socialist community It is of great significance.
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目的探讨抵抗素(Resistin)在非酒精性脂肪肝(Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease,NAFLD)大鼠胰岛素抵抗(Insulinresistance,IR)中的作用。方法采用改良高脂饲料喂养大鼠建立NA
日前,柳工股份有限公司的 ZL40G 装载机、ZL80G 装载机,被国家科技部、国家商务部、国家质l检总局、国家环保总局联合授予“国家重点新产品”证书,成为2004年度全国装载机行
当前,有些农村党支部对党小组长的作用认识不足,认为党小组长是虚职,有个人顶数就行了,在实际工作中往往安排一些老同志担任此职。考虑他们过去当过村干部, At present, so
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
句子的翻译,尤其是难句的翻译,不能局限于词或句子在英文意思上的对等,必须从语篇的高度,深刻透彻地分析、理解原文,并考虑中国读者的习惯,进行适当的修辞处理。 The translation