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Objective: To determine the factors associated with seizures in systemic lupu s erythematosus (SLE). Methods: One hundred ninety- five patients with SLE were followed at the University of Maryland Lupus Clinics from January 1992 until Ju ne 2004. Neuropsychiatric (NP) manifestations were defined according to the Amer ican College of Rheumatology nomenclature and case definitions for NP- SLE synd romes, and seizures were defined using the International Classification of Epile ptic Seizures. At the end of the study period, 28 of the 195 (14% )- patients with SLE had seizures (21 generalized convulsive, 7 partial) during their course of disease. Recurrent seizures or epilepsy occurred in 12 of 28 patients (43% ). The baseline features of those patients with seizures and those without them were compared to determine their contribution to the occurrence of isolated seiz ures and epilepsy. Results: Isolated seizures in SLE are common; epilepsy is les s frequent but nonetheless important. Certain clinical features at baseline were independent predictors of seizures including disease activity, in particular ps ychosis, moderate- to high- titer serum anti- cardiolipin and anti- Smith an tibodies, and damage accrual. Higher disease activity at baseline, concurrent mu ltiple NP- SLE manifestations, prior strokes, and male gender were predictive o f epilepsy. Conclusion: The risk of seizure and epilepsy in systemic lupus eryth ematosus (SLE) is increased in those patients with higher disease activity at ba seline, prior neuropsychiatric SLE disease, and anti- cardiolipin and anti- Sm ith antibodies. Objective: To determine the factors associated with seizures in systemic lupu erythematosus (SLE). Methods: One hundred ninety-five patients with SLE were followed at the University of Maryland Lupus Clinics from January 1992 until Ju ne 2004. Neuropsychiatric (NP) manifestations were defined according to the Amer ican College of Rheumatology nomenclature and case definitions for NP-SLE synd romes, and seizures were defined using the International Classification of Epileptictics. At the end of the study period, 28 of the 195 (14%) - patients with SLE had seizures (21 generalized convulsive, 7 partial) during their course of disease. Recurrent seizures or epilepsy occurred in 12 of 28 patients (43%). The baseline features of those patients with seizures and those without them were compared to determine their contribution to the occurrence of isolated seiz ures and epilepsy. Results: Isolated seizures in SLE are common; epilepsy is les s frequent but nonetheless important. Cer tain clinical features at baseline were independent predictors of seizures including disease activity, in particular ps ychosis, moderate-to-titer serum anti-cardiolipin and anti- Smith an tibodies, and damage accrual. Higher disease activity at baseline, concurrent mutiti NP - SLE manifestations, prior strokes, and male gender were predictive of epilepsy. Conclusion: The risk of seizure and epilepsy in systemic lupus eryth ematosus (SLE) is increased in those patients with higher disease activity at ba seline, prior neuropsychiatric SLE disease, and anti-cardiolipin and anti- Sm ith antibodies.
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摘 要:后进生的教育转化工作是现代教育的一个重要组成部分,由于后进生的形成与家庭、社会、学校群体、个人等多种因素有关。因此,作为我们教育者更要对这一类学生进行有爱心、有耐心、有诚心的指导,要教给他们正确的学习态度和学习方法。老师要积极地引导他们,经常给予他们鼓励,多给他们增加自信心,让他们知道自己并不差。同学也要积极主动的帮助他们,让他们感受到集体的温暖。  关键词:后进生;转化;真心;爱心;信心
摘 要:精致德育应是“关注个性——精心呵护,着眼细节——精耕细作,管控实效——追求精彩”的一种德育理念。这种精致应体现在关注每个孩子的成长,认真设计每一个教育细节,并落实到位,让每一个孩子都得到最大限度的发展。  关键词:精致德育;关注;学生个性  中图分类号:G471 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2012)20-023-1  《中庸》有言:“致广大而尽精微。”其原意为善