
来源 :农业图书情报学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fafafaalex
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同志们: 农业科技情报转化为生产力研讨会于1990年11月1日至5日在安徽歙县召开。参加会议的有论文作者,农业、农垦、畜牧、水产科学院情报所所长、中国农学会情报学会常务理事和特约代表共70余人。在与会同志们共同努力下,经过几天紧张的工作,现在就要结束了。这次会议做了四件事:一是交流和研讨了农业科技情报转化为生产力的经验、途径、方法和潜力以及情报工作的社会地位,征集有关这方面论文137篇,评审出大会交流论文48篇;二是传达了国家科委情报局(所长)会议精神;三是在交流和研讨的基础上讨论和通过了关于开发情报资源,促进科技兴农的建议;四是召开了中国农学会情报学会第二届第二次常务理事会议交流和总 Comrades: Symposium on Transforming Agricultural Science and Technology Intelligence into Productivity was held in Yixian County, Anhui Province from November 1 to November 1990. Participants at the conference included more than 70 papers authors, chiefs of intelligence institutes of agriculture, land reclamation, husbandry and fishery science institutes, standing directors and special representatives of Chinese Agricultural Society intelligence institutes. With the joint efforts of the participating comrades, after a few days of intense work, it is now over. The conference did four things: First, exchanged and discussed experiences, ways, methods and potentials of transforming agricultural science and technology intelligence into productive forces and the social status of intelligence work; collected 137 articles in this field and reviewed the paper 48 The second is to convey the spirit of the meeting of the State Science and Technology Commission Intelligence Bureau (director); the third is to discuss and adopt suggestions on developing intelligence resources and promoting the revival of agriculture by science and technology on the basis of exchanges and discussions; fourth, convened the China Agricultural Association Information Society second session of the second executive board meeting to exchange and total
雄溪明清商贸建筑群,规模宏大,保存完整,特色鲜明,是我国南方古建筑艺术奇葩。 Xiongxi Ming and Qing commercial buildings, large-scale, well preserved, distinctive f
本文对2304例宫颈脱落细胞学检查异常者进行阴道镜、宫颈活检和宫颈内膜诊刮检查,目的是对宫颈内膜诊刮在宫颈癌的诊断准确率与避免诊断过 This article on 2304 cases of
700年,对于有资料可查的人类历 史来说,绝对不是一个无足轻重 的数字。最近在河北省张北县北部一个叫白城子的地方,发掘出土一座古遗址,经专家考证正是于700年前在中国版图上消失了的元